Beschreibung Entrepreneurship: A Guide To Success For Entrepreneurs And Aspiring Entrepreneurs. Are you tired of working the 9-5 job? Do you want to be a business owner, make a lot of money and enjoy freedom? I mean the freedom to buy whatever you want, send your kids to the best schools, provide to your family with no stress, support any cause or even travel the world multiple times a year or whenever you want. Do you want more out of life and to retire like a boss? if yes, seek to become a successful entrepreneurThe surest way to retiring poor is working for money instead of getting money to work for you. Whether you have a 9-5 job or are self-employed, if you cannot put money to work for you in some way, your odds of working the rest of your life and perhaps retiring poor are very high. Moreover, if you work for money, you cannot really do everything you want to do whenever you want to do it since your income is directly connected to your efforts- if you stop working, it is only a matter of time before the income dries up.This is the sad situation that many of us find ourselves in but this does not mean this is what should happen. If you take strategic measures aimed at setting yourself up for success and attaining freedom as far as finances are concerned, you can be sure that you won’t have to worry about money even when retiring nears.In fact, it is possible to retire early. But this is only possible if you set up systems geared towards running your income-generating activities in a way that is independent of your direct efforts. This is the realm of entrepreneurship. By this, I do not mean self-employment, as the two are very different. As an entrepreneur, you set up systems that work for your business and work “on” the business as opposed to working “in” the business, which means different business operations can take place without your everyday input.If you’ve ever worked for money, whether you are self-employed or informal employment, you know how it feels when you get to a point when you hit the proverbial ‘glass ceiling’ where you cannot increase your income any further no matter how hard you work. And even if you increase your production by getting people to work for you, most times, you may notice that you’ve just shifted the glass ceiling a little higher and that it is just a matter of time before you are at it again.If you’ve ever wanted to get to a level of freedom where you can take a vacation from your business and not have to worry about the daily operations of the business, then you need to stop working for money and consider getting money to work for you by becoming an entrepreneur.Lucky for you, this book will show you the exact steps to take to make sure you don’t end up becoming self-employed when what you wanted to do was to become an entrepreneur.More precisely, the book will show you:Different approaches you can take to own a businessHow to buy an existing business- the steps to take and various issues todeal with How to evaluate different ideas to start a brand new business How to evaluate/test the ideas you come up withSourcing fundingThe different components of business systemsHow to set up business systemsHow to set yourself up for success in the environment you operate inHow to choose appropriate technology for your businessChoosing a business locationProduct planning and pricingSteps to take to come up with a new productPackaging your product for maximum impactEverything about brandingHow to prepare a business planMarketingOperations ManagementAnd much more!I am confident that you will find the contents in this book eye-opening, actionable and worth your time. Simply click the "Add to Cart" button on this page to buy the book. Once you do, the book will be shipped and delivered to you.Get Your Copy Today!I hope you enjoy it!
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