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    Tables and Platforms: Forging Identity and Character for a Life of Influence

    Beschreibung Tables and Platforms: Forging Identity and Character for a Life of Influence. Everyone has a measure of influence. Yours may be as close as your family or reach as far as international policy making. You may be an entrepreneur, an academic, a scientist, a teacher, or minister. Your gifts and calling may usher you onto public platforms or place you at intimate table gatherings. You have a message worth sharing, but how do you exercise influence with integrity in a commercialized, self-promoting culture? In this book Marios Ellinas reveals the means by which we can leverage both table and platform opportunities to affect significant, meaningful transformation on personal and societal levels. We may begin seated at a table and later stand on a platform. No matter where we are invited, our response must come from the hidden place. There we can hear God’s whisper. From there, He will reveal us in Heaven’s image and timing. Only then will we have the true influence needed to impact the world with the power of God’s Kingdom. Marios Ellinas is an international speaker, author and consultant. He lives in Old Saybrook, Connecticut with his wife and three children.

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