Beschreibung Debrief to Win: How America's Top Guns Practice Accountable Leadership...and How You Can, Too!. Former Air Force Top Gun, Rob "Cujo" Teschner, builds on his work as the U.S. Air Force's Subject Matter Expert on the fighter pilot Debrief as an instructor at the renowned U.S. Air Force Weapons School. He's adapted the Air Force high-performing team approach to Debriefing and introduces this process to help organizations achieve their all and build contexts where teams can thrive. Among the many important concepts Rob brings forward, he highlights:There's a difference between Taskwork and Teamwork, and most organizations are only focused on the Taskwork at the expense of team skills;Organizations must organize to develop trust; they do this by building Psychological Safety, a condition where people feel safe to talk about the truth;Leaders have to learn to become vulnerable and admit their faults. Only by leading as they want their teams to act will they inspire people to act the same;Institutionalizing the practice of debriefing can increase team performance significantly, allowing individuals and organizations to achieve new levels of success.In the end, the key to an organization's long-term success is its practice of accountability and the degree to which its leaders hold themselves and their teams accountable for the decisions they make. High-performing fighter teams have been practicing this version of accountable leadership since World War I. Debrief to Win is the resource every organization needs in order to start improving NOW. It's also the resource every organization needs to build a context where teams can truly thrive. Debrief to Win is a book that applies to all aspects of human performance, from the boardroom to the dining room, from high-performing professional teams to family teams of only two people. The Debrief is a life skill with far-reaching ramifications. This book offers deep insight into how individuals and organizations can harness this powerful tool for personal and professional gain.
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