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    Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness

    Beschreibung Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness. From a renowned pioneer of the anti-globalization movement, a primer on working towards a localized worldFrom disappearing livelihoods to financial instability, from climate chaos to an epidemic of depression, we face crises on a number of seemingly unrelated fronts. This well-referenced book traces the common roots of these problems in a globalized economy that is incompatible with life on a finite planet. But Local is Our Future does more than just describe the problem: it describes the policy shifts and grassroots steps – many of them already underway around the world – that can move us towards the local and, thereby, towards a better world.

    Buch Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness PDF ePub

    Local is Our Future - a new book by Helena Norberg-Hodge ~ “ Local is indeed our future, and Helena Norberg-Hodge shows us how to get there. As she makes clear, it’s all about connection: with each other, with nature, with place. This is an essential guidebook, lighting the way towards economies of human and ecological wellbeing. And as we confront climate change, our very survival.

    Local is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness ~ Author: Helena Norberg-Hodge Publisher: Local Futures, 2019 Length: 160 pages Paperback Helena Norberg-Hodge's most recent book, Local is Our Future , connects the dots between our social, economic, ecological and spiritual crises, revealing how a systemic shift from global to local can address these seemingly disparate problems simultaneously. Distilling the wisdom gleaned from four decades of

    Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness ~ She is the Director of the non-profit Local Futures, producer and co-director of the award-winning documentary “The Economics of Happiness,” and the author of the inspirational classic, Ancient Futures. She was honored with the Right Livelihood Award (or ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) for her groundbreaking work in Ladakh, India, and received the 2012 Goi Peace Prize for contributing to .

    Local Futures - Building economies that restore community ~ Translations of Local is Our Future; Ancient Futures (book & film) The Economics of Happiness (film) Translated Resources; Free Reading Materials; Films; Books & Other Publications ; Newsletters & Annual Reports; Close; Our Future is Local. For four decades, we have been revitalising communities and local economies worldwide. “A new human story founded on connection and diversity is emerging .

    Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness ~ Local Is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness. Chuck L. Hosted by Chuck L. Simply Living Central Ohio Meetup. Public group? Sunday, March 8, 2020 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM EDT. Portia's Cafe. 4428 Indianola Ave · Columbus, OH. How to find us. We meet in the Deli side of the cafe, in the front. Details. Simply Living Book Club's winter selection is all about the benefits of localizing our .

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