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    The Riot Act: The African Master Reset- A Third world modernization Bible

    Beschreibung The Riot Act: The African Master Reset- A Third world modernization Bible. The book is about the total revolution of Africa, the complete emancipation of the African people, once and for all, from “a complex maze of inhibitive forces” from both the West and China. It lays out the imperative science and the processes of a “Fast Track the rapid modernization of Africa Program.” An industrialization model that will suffice the third world transformation as well.It establishes the need for African leadership to upgrade their “intellectual software” like a computer to current world views, in these days of “Speed, Connectivity and Intangibles” as Stan Davis puts it, in “Blur, the speed of change in a connected economy.” The power of visionary world views and such intangible forces as globalization and the dominance of the third world commodifiers. FDI, capital, corporations, and the obsolete West and Chinese 200 years old “finder is taker brutish psychology,” which has gripped the Third World nations for a century and in the last two decades-barbaric it is.The book is a letter to the youth of Africa and not only Africa and the “Third World Youth” as well. It challenges the youth to realize that the only way to free Africa and the Third World. is to press a Master Reset Button and read “The Riot Act” to the nations and the foreign complex inhibitive forces. To start Africa afresh from African thought leadership-detached from “The dictatorship of the technocrat” and strict African conditions which gives the African business a twenty-year head start. To tell the youth a critical truth, that the AU is not capitalized The youth are given the confidence that it is possible for Africa to map out adequate capital for the rapid modernization of the continent. In the end, the author suddenly realized that all the above, the impediments, and the new way forward applies to all the Third World nations. He decided to call it a third world modernization Bible with Africa as a prototype model.The youth are given the confidence that it is absolutely possible for Africa to map out adequat capital for the rapid modernization of the continent. In the end the autho suddenly realized that all the above, the impediments and the new way forward applies to all the Third World nations. He decided to call it a thirdworld modernization Bible with Africa as a prototype model.he book is about the total revolution of Africa, the complete emancipation of the African people, once and for all, from “a complex maze of inhibitive forces” from both the West and China. It lays out the imperative science and the processes of a “Fast Track the rapid modernization of Africa Program.” An industrialization model that will suffice the third world transformation as well.It establishes the need for African leadership to upgrade their “intellectual software” like a computer to current world views, in these days of “Speed, Connectivity and Intangibles” as Stan Davis puts it, in “Blur, the speed of change in a connected economy.” The power of visionary world views and such intangible forces as globalization and the dominance of the third world commodifiers. FDI, capital, corporations, and the obsolete West and Chinese 200 years old “finder is taker brutish psychology,” which has gripped the Third World nations for a century and in the last two decades-barbaric it is. The book is a letter to the youth of Africa and not only Africa and the “Third World Youth” as well. It challenges the youth to realize that the only way to free Africa and the Third World. is to press a Master Reset Button and read “The Riot Act” to the nations and the foreign complex inhibitive forces. To start Africa afresh from African thought leadership-detached from “The dictatorship of the technocrat” and strict African conditions which gives the African business a twenty-year head start.

    Buch The Riot Act: The African Master Reset- A Third world modernization Bible PDF ePub

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