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    Pocket World in Figures 2018

    Beschreibung Pocket World in Figures 2018. For more than 25 years, Pocket World in Figures has been informing and entertaining readers around the world with its blend of the serious, the quirky and the downright surprising. Where else would you find out, in a single volume, that 98% of Suriname is forest, that Switzerland sells the most expensive Big Macs or that the Norway spends the most per person on music downloads? The 2018 edition includes data from over 180 countries, presented in a series of rankings and country profiles. The rankings cover subjects as diverse as geography and demographics, business, economics and finance, health and welfare, culture and entertainment. Updated, revised and expanded each year to include new rankings and features, it also includes detailed statistical profiles of more than 65 of the world's major economies, the euro area and the world itself. And, once again, the 2018 edition will showcase the Economist's strength in data journalism by including charts and graphs, and will invite readers to test their knowledge with its world rankings quiz, making the book an indispensable - and entertaining - guide to the world in figures.

    Buch Pocket World in Figures 2018 PDF ePub

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    Pocket World Figures Download - onlybooks ~ For more than 25 years, Pocket World in Figures has been informing and entertaining readers around the world with its blend of the serious, the quirky and the downright surprising. Where else would you find out, in a single volume, that 98% of Suriname is forest, that Switzerland sells the most expensive Big Macs or that the Norway spends the most per person on music downloads? The 2018 .

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