Beschreibung Wellen, R: Business and Society: A Critical Introduction. Our society is dominated by corporations that employ us, sell to us, and influence local, national, and global agendas. Though we may take for granted the role of corporate business and capitalism in our day to day lives and assume it is inescapable, this hasn&;t always been the case. Business and Society provides a broad historical analysis of the spread of capitalism and the foundation of the corporate revolution in the late nineteenth century, while examining the challenges of regulation and ethics in contemporary business. In addition, it examines how corporate power and capitalism might be resisted, outlining a range of alternatives, from the social economy to new forms of open access or commons ownership.   Written in a clear, accessible style, Business and Society offers an approachable introduction to  a variety of perspectives from sociological, geographical, heterodox economic, ethical, political, legal and historical contexts.  
Richard Wellen / Home ~ SOSC 2340 6.0 Foundations of Business and Society; Research and Scholarship (selected writings) Books. Birch, K.,Wellen . A Half-Century of Critical Interdiciplinary Teaching and Research at York University. (2013) Toronto: Department of Social Science, York University. P. Axelrod, R.Trilokekar, T. Shanahan and R. Wellen (eds.). Making Policy in Turbulent Times: Challenges and Prospects for .
2020, 152.203, Business and Society, 152203, Distance, S2 ~ A study of the interplay of business and society in the context of business development and contemporary business practice. 2020, 152.203, Business and Society, 152203, Distance, S2, DIS - Massey University
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