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    Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good

    Beschreibung Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good. Few people would contest that modern capitalism comes with major costs: it damages the environment, harms workers, and increases inequality, to name just a few. Yet we&;re told time and again that those are simply inevitable side effects of the constant need for profit and growth&;and that while they may be regrettable, there&;s no other way. Christian Felber disagrees. In Change Everything, he lays out a wholly new vision for a humane economic model&;the Economy for the Common Good, or ECG. Not just an idea, but a rapidly growing international movement, ECG is a practical, detailed blueprint for a new way of doing business, a people-centered approach that could sweep away austerity, support human (and humane) development, repair our damaged environment, and utterly reorient our relationship to work, money, and the purpose of both. Its vision is just short of breathtaking, but it remains grounded in reality, as evidenced by the fact that more than 1,700 companies around the world have already endorsed its principles. Nothing less than a call to re-examine all that we&;ve ever been told about how economies work, Change Everything is a ringing manifesto for a new, better age.

    Buch Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good PDF ePub

    Economy for the common good – An economic model for the future ~ The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) aims to benefit all stakeholders in an organization – employees, suppliers, customers, business partners, the local community and society at large. It does so with a Common Good Balance Sheet, which measures the impact the organization has on these stakeholders. Read more. Impact on various levels. The Economy for the Common Good has impact at the local .

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    Economics for the Common Good / Princeton University Press ~ "Economics for the Common Good is an ambitious book. As the title suggests, it is a response to the crisis of the economics profession, whose credibility was badly damaged by the financial turmoil of 2008. Though not the first book to address this, more than any earlier attempt it manages to balance a constructive critique of economists with a .

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    COVID-19: The Great Reset - Schwab, Klaus, Malleret ~ "COVID-19: The Great Reset" is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes .

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