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    Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains

    Beschreibung Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains. The interaction of sustainability governance and global value chains has crucial implications the world over. When it comes to sustainability the last decade has witnessed the birth of hybrid forms of governance where business, civil society and public actors interact at different levels, leading to a focus on concepts of legitimacy within multi-stakeholder initiatives. Based on more than fifteen years of theoretical engagement and field research, Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains draws from both labor-intensive value chains, such as in the agro-food sector (coffee, wine, fish, biofuels, palm oil), and from capital-intensive value chains such as in shipping and aviation, to discuss how sustainability governance can be best designed, managed and institutionalized in today&;s world of global value chains (GVCs). Examining current theoretical and analytical efforts aimed at including sustainability issues in GVC governance theory, it expands on recent work examining GVC upgrading by introducing the concept of environmental upgrading; and through new conceptions of orchestration, it provides suggestions for how governments and international organizations can best facilitate the achievement of sustainability goals. Essential reading on the governance of sustainability in the twenty-first century.

    Buch Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains PDF ePub

    Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global ~ The interaction of sustainability governance and global value chains has crucial implications the world over. When it comes to sustainability the last decade has witnessed the birth of hybrid forms of governance where business, civil society and public actors interact at different levels, leading to a focus on concepts of legitimacy within multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs).

    Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global ~ Based on more than fifteen years of theoretical engagement and field research, Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains draws from both labor-intensive value chains, such as in the agro-food sector (coffee, wine, fish, biofuels, palm oil), and from capital-intensive value chains such as in shipping and aviation, to discuss how sustainability governance can be best .

    Business, power and sustainability in a world of global ~ Power in Global Value Chains --3. Sustainability, Power and Governance in the Wine, Coffee and Biofuels Global Value Chains --4. Value Creation and Capture through Economic and Environmental Upgrading --5. Orchestrating Sustainability. Other Titles: Business, power & sustainability in a world of global value chains: Responsibility: Stefano Ponte.

    Business, Power and Sustainability in a World of Global ~ Product Information. The interaction of sustainability governance and global value chains has crucial implications the world over. When it comes to sustainability the last decade has witnessed the birth of hybrid forms of governance where business, civil society and public actors interact at different levels, leading to a focus on concepts of legitimacy within multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs).

    Power in global value chains: Review of International ~ Power has been a foundational concept in global value chain (GVC) research. Yet, in most GVC scholarship, power is not explicitly defined and is applied as a unitary concept, rather than as having multiple dimensions. Clarifying the concept of power has become particularly urgent in recent years as GVC research has proliferated beyond dyads of transacting firms or firm-state linkages and .

    FREE DOWNLOAD [PDF] Business Power and Sustainability in a ~ Sep 20, 2019 - FREE DOWNLOAD [PDF] Business Power and Sustainability in a World of Global Value Chains Free Epub/MOBI/EBooks

    Fostering the Sustainability of Global Value Chains (GVCs ~ The world economy is increasingly embedded in Global Value Chains (GVCs). Meanwhile, although the rising significance of GVCs increases the importance of removing both export and import restrictions, the willingness of nations to cooperate in that regard is at an ebb, noticeably regarding Deep Preferential Trade Arrangements (PTAs), something which needs to be addressed by policy-making.

    Global Value Chains - World Bank ~ Global Value Chains Participation in global value chains (GVCs), the international fragmentation of production, can lead to increased job creation and economic growth. The World Bank Group is helping developing countries catch the GVC wave and realize the benefits GVCs can deliver. Participation in global value chains (GVCs), the international fragmentation of production, can lead to increased .

    (PDF) A Typology of Power in Global Value Chains ~ Power' has been a foundational concept in examining global value chains and production networks for understanding patterns and dynamics in the global political economy.

    Overview - MSc Global Business & Sustainability - MSc ~ Real business challenges: engage with organisations striving to develop innovative strategies and business models that answer our global sustainability challenges.; Top-notch research and curriculum: explore the latest theoretical knowledge and ideas of sustainable business with the latest cutting-edge advancements of practice, and create your own new solutions.

    The value of sustainability to business ~ The value of sustainability to business. Leaders must take active roles to demonstrate the importance of sustainability in driving business success. “Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children.” – Kenyan proverb. According to James Cook University Australia, sustainability can be defined as the ability to “maintain healthy .

    GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ~ GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS, POLICY QUESTIONS, AND MEASUREMENT 14 March, 2016 Seminar on Global Value Chain Measurement for Sustainable Development United Nations Statistical Commission . Outline 2 1. GVCs and Economic Upgrading 2. GVCs and Social and Environmental Upgrading 3. Relevant Policy Questions 4. GVC Measurement for Sustainable Development . 1. GVCs and .

    Value Chain Sustainability: Collaboration the Key to Success ~ However, a simple linear value chain is no longer appropriate for describing the complex relationships, partners and stakeholders that companies must now consider and manage to ensure sustainability. Complex connections, between various stages of product lifecycle, as well as various partners, stakeholders and infrastructures, must be acknowledged and supported. In this economy, a company’s .

    Sustainability - World Economic Forum ~ The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests.

    Sustainability in Global Supply Chains - econsense ~ sustainability in global supply chains. It is closely aligned with recognised international standards. The brochure is intended in particular for companies which have not yet established a systematic sustainability management system, with the aim of helping them to anchor sustainability in their core business. For practical implementation,

    Concept & Tools / Global Value Chains ~ The global value chain research approach is widely used by academics and practitioners to conduct detailed research on the structure and dynamics of global industries to understand where, how, and by whom economic, social and environmental value is created and distributed. In practice, research questions center on development and competitiveness issues and analysis seeks to identify potential .

    Engaging global supply chains for eco- innovation The ~ Engaging global supply chains for eco- . projects; business exposure visits connect SME producers and buyers. targeted media campaign on sustainable development and consumption; publications; use of SWITCH Asia Facility. Establishing a Sustainable Production System for Rattan Products in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam •Sustainable harvest Logging •Reducing wastes Preliminary processing .

    Supply chain sustainability - Wikipedia ~ Supply-chain sustainability is a business issue affecting an organization’s supply chain or logistics network in terms of environmental, risk, and waste costs. There is a growing need for integrating environmentally sound choices into supply-chain management. Sustainability in the supply chain is increasingly seen among high-level executives as essential to deliver profitability and has .

    Sustainable Value Chains: A Global Governance Challenge ~ But only under one condition: global value chains must be sustainable as well as profitable. Ensuring this is a corporate responsibility that confronts businesses that operate abroad with enormous challenges: poor working conditions, pollution, and environmental destruction, global warming, human rights violations, and corruption, to name just a few of these challenges. On the one hand .

    Sustainability ~ Sustainability is at the core of what we do, a driver for growth as well as an element of our risk management. For example, we have defined sustainability focus areas within our corporate strategy. These formulate the commitments with which BASF positions itself in the market and how it aims to meet the growing challenges along the value chain.

    Value Chain Optimization / AVEVA ~ AVEVA delivers end-to-end value chain optimization that help you to redefine your processes, enable deeper collaboration, reduce value leaks, sustain productivity and innovation and ultimately make better and more robust decisions quicker across your operations lifecycle. Translated into economic value we can help you exceed your operational goals, be it reducing refining costs by up to $0.70 .

    Sustainable Value Chain Management: Delivering ~ Michael D’heur, is founder and Managing Director of shared.value.chain, a think tank and management advisory firm for sustainable value chain management. He supports multi-national and mid-sized companies across various industries to build more sustainable products and operate global supply chains. Michael has more than 15 years of management consulting experience. Having worked for leading .

    How can global sustainability succeed? - DIE_GDI ~ relativisation of the role of the United States as the power dominating the world. order have created new security problems and are making these problems more difficult to handle. But problems of global interdependence extend beyond the field of security policy, as the outlines of the four waves of global transformation show. Global sustainability policy is another vital field that must be .

    Sustainability in a Digital World: New Opportunities ~ Sustainability in a Digital World: New Opportunities Through New Technologies (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) / Osburg, Thomas, Lohrmann, Christiane / ISBN: 9783319546025 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    SUSTAINABILITY IN ACTION - Tetra Pak ~ – a world more aware of, and coming to terms with, the requirements of a sustainable future. For the food and beverage industry especially, this is a time of transition and change. Never before has sustainability been in sharper focus, and with emerging technologies and innovative thinking it is within our power to do something about it. With .