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  • Lesen The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios, Extraordinary Facts: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios and Extraordinary Facts Buch Ebook, PDF Epub

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    The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios, Extraordinary Facts: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios and Extraordinary Facts

    Beschreibung The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios, Extraordinary Facts: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios and Extraordinary Facts. If the Sun is the size of a Grapefruit, the Earth is a grain of sand, then the distance between the two is a London bus. Scale is intriguing. Scale is everywhere. Scale is our experience of the world, from our perception of time to physical distance to weights and measures. The human scale is 1:1, the point of reference. Everything is designed around it. Wealth is an example of scale, so is a sculpture, a building, a planet or a molecule. Scale is a universal and timeless subject. The Scale of Things brings together facts and figures in a visual way, embracing popular science, space, economics, politics, geography, nature, technology and architecture in an accessible and entertaining way. Fun and informative, it will change the way you look at the world around you.

    Buch The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios, Extraordinary Facts: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios and Extraordinary Facts PDF ePub

    The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable ~ The Scale of Things: Mind-Blowing Proportions, Remarkable Ratios, Extraordinary Facts / Fairbrass, Mike, Tanguy, David / ISBN: 9781787130579 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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