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    Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do about It

    Beschreibung Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do about It. Understanding the power of the corporations and how to take the struggle directly to themIt's no secret that "the 1%" - the business elite that commands the largest corporations and the connected network of public and private institutions- exercise enormous control over U.S. government. While this control is usually attributed to campaign donations and lobbying, Levers of Power argues that corporate power derives from control over the economic resources on which daily life depends. Government officials must constantly strive to keep capitalists happy, lest they go on "capital strike" - that is, refuse to invest in particular industries or locations, or move their holdings to other countries - and therefore impose material hardship on specific groups or the economy as a whole. For this reason, even politicians who are not dependent on corporations for their electoral success must fend off the interruption of corporate investment.Levers of Power documents the pervasive power of corporations and other institutions with decision-making control over large pools of capital, particularly the Pentagon. It also shows that the most successful reform movements in recent U.S. history - for workers' rights, for civil rights, and against imperialist wars - succeeded by directly targeting the corporations and other institutional adversaries that initiated and benefitted from oppressive policies. Though most of today's social movements focus on elections and politicians, movements of the "99%" are most effective when they inflict direct costs on corporations and their allied institutions. This strategy is also more conducive to building a revolutionary mass movement that can replace current institutions with democratic alternatives.

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    [PDF] [EPUB] Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What ~ Download Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It by Kevin A. Young in PDF EPUB format complete free. Brief Summary of Book: Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It by Kevin A. Young . Here is a quick description and cover image of book Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It written by Kevin A. Young which was .

    Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do ~ Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It by Michael Schwartz, Kevin A. Young, Tarun Banerjee English / July 7, 2020 / ISBN: 1788730968 / EPUB / 224 pages / 0.6 MB

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    History Shows That Sustained, Disruptive Protests Work ~ By 1971 military leaders warned of “a personnel crisis that borders on disaster,” and actually demanded that Nixon speed up the withdrawal. My co-authors and I tell this story in more detail in a new book, Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It. Public opinion often shifts toward the radicals after the fact.

    Leveraging Power / KPFA ~ Listen Download open in itunes HQ Audio Download Playlist. What are the best means we have to affect lasting social change? Historian Kevin Young contends that even when progressive candidates are elected to positions of power, their achievements are constrained by the ability of the business class to disinvest in the economy in protest. He argues that, nonetheless, the Left has a powerful .

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    Michael Schwartz (sociologist) - Wikipedia ~ Levers of Power: How the 1% Rules and What the 99% Can Do About It. New York: Verso Books. ISBN 9781788730969. Schwartz, Murray (2008). War Without End: The Iraq War in Context. Chicago: Haymarket Books. ISBN 9781931859547. Schwartz, Murray (1976). Radical Protest and Social Structure: The Southern Farmers' Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880–1890.

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