Beschreibung 1%. The book that the financial establishment doesn't want you to read.: The first ever behind-the-curtain look at how banks really function, and their impact on society.. What is the driving force behind most populist and protest movements? A feeling of INEQUALITY. From Occupy groups to global trade demonstrations, from American middle class angst to yellow vest frustration in France to the Arab Spring, a common feeling unites them that something in the system is unfair. Left-wing and right-wing movements alike use remarkably similar language to express a core belief: that the establishment’s economic model is rigged against them. The same protest sentiment is expressed globally. Statistically, these movements are correct: inequality is rising in all developed economies around the world. But, what is the common cause? This book shows that the structure of the banking system is the cause of inequality in society. But, it isn’t a protest book. It isn’t meant to make you feel outraged or to provide an historical account of inequality or a lot of statistics. It is more useful than that. This book demonstrates technically how inequality is caused by the banking system. This is the first book ever that gives a genuine behind-the-curtain look at how banks really function and their impact on society. It reveals that banks create most of the money in an economy, not the state. It shows why inequality and discrimination against out-groups are institutional. It explains the banking mechanism that transfers wealth from the many to the few over time. It shows that, unlike almost all other industries, the banking sector enjoys unparalleled protection by the establishment against competition. This book solves some mysteries, like the following: - Why is fractional reserve banking like a distorted version of the game Monopoly?- Why does the establishment find women’s sexual education repugnant?- Why does the economy blow up from time to time?- Why was Karl Marx so pissed off? - What does Professor Sybill Trelawney have in common with the governors of the Federal Reserve? It shows that the 1% derive much of their power from their preferential access to bank-created money. Money and the banking system underlie inequality and discrimination in society; if you want to address these issues, you have to start at the source. In the end, this is not really a book about money and banking; it is more about our values as a society.
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