Beschreibung How to start and run a B&B in France: 2nd edition: How to Make Money and Enjoy a New Lifestyle Running Your Own Chambre D'hotes. "If you are thinking of changing your lifestyle to run a B & B in France, this book is exactly what you'll need to get started.Just before we sold our B & B in France I was asked by someone if it had been worthwhile. I said 'It was hard work but great fun'. We hadto learn as we went along. My intention with this book is to speed your learning curve, and help you avoid the pitfalls.Deborah's book passes on the benefit of their own experience of setting up and running a profitable B & B:CHOOSING AND BUYING YOUR PROPERTYRENOVATING, CONVERTING AND DECORATINGUSING YOUR BARNS AND OUTBUILDINGSATTRACTING CUSTOMERSSERVING FOOD AND DRINKMANAGING YOUR ACCOUNTSDEALING WITH BUREAUCRACYMAKING IT PAYWith the help of this book, you'll be able to enjoy a great new lifestyle in a wonderful country - and earn a decent living, too.Contents: Note from the Author; 1. Before You Begin; 2. Choosing the Property; 3. Buying Your Property; 4. Renovating Your Property; 5. Designing the Interior; 6. Barns and Outside; 7. The Table; 8. Finance and Administration; 9. Keep it Clean; 10. Dealing with Officialdom; 11. Not a B&B; 12. Organising the Publicity; 13. Looking After the Staff; 14. Keeping the Customers Happy; Postscript; Appendix A - Useful Books; Appendix B - Useful Addresses; Index.
How to Start and Run a Bed and Breakfast (2020 ~ Any tips on starting a B&B? (The Guardian) Suite Dreams: Opening a Bed and Breakfast (Time) How to run your own bed and breakfast business (BBC) Other useful links. Bed and Breakfast (Tips for B&B owners, USA) Bed and Breakfast Europe (Tips for B&B owners, Europe) Buy a B&B in USA; Buy a B&B in Europe; INNspiring / Innkeeper Forum; List your B&B: AirBnB; Wimdu
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