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    The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends

    Beschreibung The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends. The price volatility of so many commodities over the past decade has underlined their economic importance and how dependent we are on them. The price of gold has soared to new peaks as currencies have endured a crisis of confidence; demand from China has pushed metal prices up; instability in the Middle East and North Africa has had its effect on the oil price; and food prices have been increasing in parallel with worries about whether there is enough to feed the world. Among the commodities it covers in details are: *Aluminium, lead, nickel, tin, zinc, steel, iron ore, gold, silver and platinum; *Oil, gas and coal; *Wheat, maize (corn), sugar, soybeans, coffee, cotton, cocoa, tea, rice, wool and rubber. The guide looks at trends in the consumption and production of, and markets for, these goods. It looks at how prices have changed over the years and how they are likely to change in future. It analyses where the power lies in terms of producers (resource rich countries and mining firms) and market players (commodity exchanges and trading firms like Glencore). It highlights the vulnerabilities of different societies and industries to the vagaries of commodity markets. For anyone who wants a concise guide and comprehensive overview of the commodities business and its impact on the world, it is invaluable.

    Buch The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends PDF ePub

    Producers, players and prices, markets, consumers and trends ~ Guide to commodities Producers, players and prices, markets, consumers and trends caroline bain Guide to Commodities.indd 3 15/02/2013 10:15 . Acknowledgements vii Introduction1 Part 1 Market fundamentals 5 The economics of commodities 7 Commodities as financial assets 18 Part 2 Base and precious metals 27 Aluminium29 Copper 41 Gold53 Other precious metals 65 Silver 65 Platinum 70 Palladium 75 .

    [PDF] Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices ~ Download Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices, markets, consumers and trends Pdf in PDF and EPUB Formats for free. Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices, markets, consumers and trends Pdf Book is also available for Read Online, mobi, docx and mobile and kindle reading. Please use the link provided below to generate .

    Guide to Commodities: Producers, Players and Prices ~ Now, as commodity prices become less correlated and fundamentals are coming back to the fore `Guide to Commodities' is a timely publication. The book goes through the major commodities in turn, focusing on base and precious metals, energy and agricultural commodities highlighting the main trends in demand, supply and price followed by an outlook for the future.

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    The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and ~ Buy The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends Main by Bain, Caroline (ISBN: 9781846688959) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and ~ The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends - Kindle edition by Bain, Caroline. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends.

    The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and ~ The Economist Guide to Commodities: Producers, players and prices; markets, consumers and trends (English Edition) eBook: Bain, Caroline: : Kindle Store

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