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    Bateman, M: Why Doesn't Microfinance Work?

    Beschreibung Bateman, M: Why Doesn't Microfinance Work?. Since its emergence in the 1970s, microfinance has risen to become one of the most high-profile policies to address poverty in developing and transition countries. It is beloved of rock stars, movie stars, royalty, high-profile politicians and 'troubleshooting' economists.In this provocative and controversial analysis, Milford Bateman reveals that microfinance doesn't actually work. In fact, the case for it has been largely built on hype, on egregious half-truths and – latterly – on the Wall Street-style greed of those promoting and working in microfinance. Using a multitude of case studies, from India to Cambodia, Bolivia to Uganda, Serbia to Mexico, Bateman demonstrates that microfi nance actually constitutes a major barrier to sustainable economic and social development, and thus also to sustainable poverty reduction. As developing and transition countries attempt to repair the devastation wrought by the global financial crisis, Why Doesn't Microfinance Work? argues forcefully that the role of microfinance in development policy urgently needs to be reconsidered.

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    Bateman, M: Why Doesn't Microfinance Work?: ~ Bateman, M: Why Doesn't Microfinance Work? / Bateman, Milford / ISBN: 0884275562193 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Why Doesn't Microfinance Work? eBook by Milford Bateman ~ Buy the eBook. List Price $34.95 USD. Your price $31 . Milford Bateman reveals that microfinance doesn’t actually work. In fact, the case for it has been largely built on hype, on egregious half-truths and – latterly – on the Wall Street-style greed of those promoting and working in microfinance. Using a multitude of case studies, from India to Cambodia, Bolivia to Uganda, Serbia to .

    Why Doesn't Microfinance Work?: The Destructive Rise of ~ I know a lot of us were expecting Why Doesn't Microfinance Work?: The Destructive Rise of Local Neoliberalism to be good, but I have to say, this book actually exceeded my expectations. I have a lump in my throat and I can't stop thinking about it. I usually spend time making detailed notes while reading a book but, at one point, I opened Notes on my computer just to type "oh fucking god, this .

    Challenges and Innovations in Promoting Microfinance ~ Abstract. The competitive advantage and the distinctive feature of microfinance relative to conventional lending and saving institutions lie in its core mission of providing access to financial services to those considered unbankable by the formal financial services industry. This is based on the idea of inclusion and on the belief that increasing access to financial services should encourage .

    Reframing Microfinance and Financial Inclusion Research ~ The status of microfinance in international development will remain an important area of research and debate for as long as relatively poor people continue to struggle with access and effective use of financial services. This paper reflects on the evolution of microfinance and financial inclusion as arenas of research, focusing on its scope and on tensions arising from diverse disciplinary .

    Overindebtedness in microfinance / Publish your master's ~ “Today, the word microfinance doesn't even capture the scope and scale of what is happening in the world of finance for the poor. What was once a neat and tidy, well-delineated little sub-culture, now encompasses a dizzying range of delivery organizations and services, all increasingly interwoven with the rest of the financial sector. All around us, we are witnessing experimentation, and a .

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    Confessions of a Microfinance Heretic: How Microlending ~ —Milford Bateman, freelance consultant, Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Juraj Dobrila at Pula, Croatia, and author of Why Doesn’t Microfinance Work? “Provides a devastating, insightful, and well-documented look into the tragic reality of how a good idea was derailed by the Wall Street greed syndrome. It is essential reading not only for anyone involved in microcredit but .

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    Due Diligence: An Impertinent Inquiry into Microfinance ~ Bateman, M: Why Doesn't Microfinance Work? Milford Bateman. 4,4 . But then as microfinance expanded across the world some negative stories began appearing. So where does the truth lie? I was very impressed by this book that for me resembled an audit report although a lot more readable!The author did his research and highlighted the strengths and where microfinance was making a difference and .

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    Confessions of a Microfinance Heretic: How Microlending ~ --Milford Bateman, freelance consultant, Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Juraj Dobrila at Pula, Croatia, and author of Why Doesn't Microfinance Work? "Provides a devastating, insightful, and well-documented look into the tragic reality of how a good idea was derailed by the Wall Street greed syndrome. It is essential reading not only for anyone involved in microcredit but also .

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