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    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition

    Beschreibung QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition. QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource (4th edition) offers both practical and thought-provoking articles for the finance practitioner, written by leading experts from the markets and academia. The coverage is expansive and in-depth, with key themes which include balance sheets and cash flow, regulation, investment, governance, reputation management, and Islamic finance encompassed in over 250 best practice and thought leadership articles. This edition will also comprise key perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors -- essential for understanding the long-term sustainability of a company, whether you are an investor or a corporate strategist. Also included: Checklists: more than 250 practical guides and solutions to daily financial challenges; Finance Information Sources: 200+ pages spanning 65 finance areas; International Financial Information: up-to-date country and industry data; Management Library: over 130 summaries of the most popular finance titles; Finance Thinkers: 50 biographies covering their work and life; Quotations and Dictionary.

    Buch QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition PDF ePub

    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition (eBook, ePUB ~ QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource (4th edition) offers both practical and thought-provoking articles for the finance practitioner, written by leading experts from the markets and academia.

    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition - Bloomsbury ~ QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition / Bloomsbury Information Ltd / ISBN: 9781849300629 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition (English ~ QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition (English Edition) eBook: Bloomsbury Publishing: : Kindle-Shop

    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition ~ QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource (4th edition) offers both practical and thought-provoking articles for the finance practitioner, written by leading experts from the markets and academia. The coverage is expansive and in-depth, with key themes which include balance sheets and cash flow, regulation, investment, governance, reputation management, and Islamic finance encompassed in over 250 best .

    QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource: : Bloomsbury ~ QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource / Bloomsbury / ISBN: 9781849300469 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Qfinance: The Ultimate Resource By: Bloomsbury Information ~ [Qfinance: The Ultimate Resource] (By: Bloomsbury Information Ltd) [published: October, 2013] / Bloomsbury Information Ltd / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Qfinance: The Ultimate Resource (Englisch) Gebundenes Buch ~ Qfinance: The Ultimate Resource / / ISBN: 9789927101816 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    QFINANCE eBook von Bloomsbury Publishing – 9781472915894 ~ Lesen Sie „QFINANCE The Ultimate Resource“ von Bloomsbury Publishing erhältlich bei Rakuten Kobo. QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource (5th edition) is the first-step reference for the finance professional or student of fin.

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