Beschreibung A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern Veterinary Care for the Dromedary. This is the first practical field manual about camel diseases for veterinarians and livestock practitioners. This manual was compiled through a workshop involving 20 of the world's leading camel specialists, and details some 90 major camel ailments, ranging from abortions to wry-neck syndrome. For each problem, it gives the symptoms of the disease, the causes, and simple prevention and treatment methods. It includes both treatments based on Western veterinary science, as well as those tried and tested by local healers and herders. The diseases are organized according to the part of the body affected and the symptoms. A section on procedures explains how to examine a camel, take samples for laboratory analysis, and apply various types of medicines.Written in clear, simple language and richly illustrated with line drawings by African and Indian artists, this sourcebook is an invaluable aid to camel care.
A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern ~ A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern Veterinary Care for the Dromedary / Rollefson, Ilse Kohler, Mundy, Paul, Mathias, Evelyn / ISBN: 9781853395031 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A Field Manual of Camel Diseases ~ A Field Manual of Camel Diseases Traditional and modern veterinary care for the dromedary Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, . The one-humped camel, or dromedary, is one of the world's hardiest domesticated animals. A vital source of transport, meat, milk and income for pastoralists in the Sahel, East Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, the camel can carry heavy loads for days in some of the world .
A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and modern ~ Buy A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and modern veterinary care for the dromedary by Kohler-Rollefson, Ilse, Mathias, Evelyn, Mundy, Paul (ISBN: 9781853395031) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
A field manual of camel diseases – League for Pastoral Peoples ~ A Field Manual of Camel Diseases is the first practical guide to camel diseases designed for use in low technology environments. The manual details some 80 major camel diseases and conditions, ranging from abortions to wry neck syndrome. For each disease, the authors give the disease signs, its causes, and simple prevention and treatment methods. Both scientific and tried and tested .
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A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern ~ ## A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Healthcare For The Dromedary ## Uploaded By Zane Grey, a field manual of camel diseases traditional and modern veterinary care for the dromedary rollefson ilse kohler mundy paul mathias evelyn isbn 9781853395031 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch a field manual of camel diseases traditional and .
A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern ~ 2011a a field manual of camel diseases traditional and modern healthcare for the dromedary by ilse kohler rollefson paul mundy evelyn mathias may 2001 this is the first practical field manual about camel diseases for veterinarians and livestock practitioners a field manual of camel diseases traditional and modern healthcare for the dromedary get read download ebook a field manual of camel .
(PDF) Ethnoveterinary plants for the treatment of camels ~ PDF / On Apr 23, 2015, R Sharma and others published Ethnoveterinary plants for the treatment of camels in Shiwalik regions of Kathua district of Jammu & Kashmir, India / Find, read and cite all .
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A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern ~ A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Author: PDF Creator Subject: Download Free A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Keywords: Read Book Online A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Created Date: 8/19/2020 6:16:16 PM .
A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern ~ A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern Veterinary Care for the Dromedary (14.06.2000) Ilse Kohler Rollefson, Paul Mundy, Evelyn Mathias. Sprache: Englisch Taschenbuch - 232 Seiten - ITDG Publishing Erscheinungsdatum: 20. Januar 1999 ISBN: 185339503X. Hier bei bestellen ..
A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern ~ A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Author: PDF Creator Subject: Download Free A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Keywords: Read Book Online A Field Manual Of Camel Diseases Traditional And Modern Veterinary Care For The Dromedary Created Date: 8/12/2020 12:09:42 PM .
Ethnoveterinary plants for the treatment of camels in ~ Camel are important for the locals as an important mode of transportation of goods, crops, grains, timber, fodder etc. from one location to another. The present paper is about the ethnoveterinary treatments of common diseases of camel in Shiwalik regions of J&K. Total 41 plants are used by the informants to treat the common diseases of camel .
Atlas of biogeography and biodiversity of indiginous ~ The mean height of male and female camel was 1.89m, and 1.82m, respectively, the average mature weight of male camel ranged between 350- 500 kg and female weighted between 350- 450kg under traditional system. The mean weight of newly born calves was 33.69 kg. While Somali camels were taller as shown on Table 4.1. Breed classification based on production per- formance Milk, meat and work .
A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern ~ A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and Modern Veterinary Care for the Dromedary (14.06.2000) Ilse Kohler Rollefson, Paul Mundy, Evelyn Mathias. Sprache: Englisch Taschenbuch - 232 Seiten - ITDG Publishing Erscheinungsdatum: 20. Januar 1999 ISBN: 185339503X. Hier bei bestellen .. This work offers a practical field manual about camel diseases for veterinarians and livestock .
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