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    Harty, F: Towards Zero Waste: How to Live a Circular Life

    Beschreibung Harty, F: Towards Zero Waste: How to Live a Circular Life. ideas and inspiration for those looking to reduce their household wasteIs recycling really the answer to household waste? How do we eliminate microplastics from our wastewater? How do we avoid consumer goods that are designed to break? How do we stop the oceans being trashed? Towards Zero Waste offers practical tools for change in your own kitchen, on your weekly shop and around your home, as well as in the wider world. Féidhlim Harty explores how and why we need to go zero waste, firstly looking at where waste currently goes, and revealing the hidden world of food and product miles and embodied energy. He shares how to reduce waste room by room, at events, parties, during our travels, and at work. Having minimised waste for over two decades, Féidhlim and his family share their clever ideas to eliminate junk, buy wisely, free yourself from useless packaging, reduce not only your eco footprint but your household bills, compost all biodegradables, and reuse, repair and reroute. They share five simple steps to zero waste and inspire us to be active and push for change.There is a hunger now within society to address the root causes of plastic waste, right back to the point of oil and gas extraction. People want no part in adding to plastics in the oceans or spreading microplastics into our water, soils and food. Nor do they want to be subjected to the cynical betrayal of consumer built-in obsolescence. Patience with government policy and corporate greenwashing is wearing thin. Towards Zero Waste offers clear guidance for anyone wanting to actively be part of the solutions and not the problems.

    Buch Harty, F: Towards Zero Waste: How to Live a Circular Life PDF ePub

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    Towards zero waste : how to live a circular life / Salina ~ If you, like millions of others, want no part in adding more plastics, microplastics and other wastes and pollutants into our water, soils and food, then this book is for you. Towards Zero Waste offers clear guidance for anyone wanting to be a part of positive change in the world.

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