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    Spare Room Tycoon: Succeeding Independently : The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment: Succeeding Independently - The Seventy Lessons of Sane Self-employment

    Beschreibung Spare Room Tycoon: Succeeding Independently : The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment: Succeeding Independently - The Seventy Lessons of Sane Self-employment. In this companion for anyone already living an independent life and for those who aspire to be doing so, Chan draws on his own experience of nearly two decades and on the personal stories of dozens of other trailblazers to show how to take control of your life as well as your business.The stories of these workplace pioneers recount surprising and fundamental discoveries of how to start, succeed, sustain - and enjoy - independence.All these voices of experience offer valuable perspectives to anyone faced with the pressures and uncertainties of creating an independent career. Chan also provides SPARE, an original framework for tough-minded introspection.Spare Room Tycoon offers a behind-the-scenes look that shows what it's really like, revealing how others deploy their talents, keep their sanity, and swim and prosper in the stormy seas of self-employment.

    Buch Spare Room Tycoon: Succeeding Independently : The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment: Succeeding Independently - The Seventy Lessons of Sane Self-employment PDF ePub

    Bestseller: Die beliebtesten Artikel in ~ Spare Room Tycoon: Succeeding Independently--The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment (English Edition) James Chan. 4,6 von 5 Sternen 3. Kindle Ausgabe. 7,46 € ← Vorherige Seite; 1; 2; Nächste Seite → Neuerscheinungen in Selbsthilfe zu Kreativität (englischsprachig) ‹ Alle Kategorien ‹ Kindle-Shop ‹ eBooks ‹ Fremdsprachige eBooks ‹ Nach Sprache ‹ Englische eBooks .

    Asia Marketing and Management ~ He is the author of the book Spare Room Tycoon, Succeeding Independently: The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment. The C.H.I.N.A. Formula for American Exporters by James Chan . James Wah Kong Chan, Ph.D., Principal and Founder Asia Marketing and Management (AMM) 2014 Naudain Street. Philadelphia, PA 19146-1317, USA. Telephone (land line): +1 (215) 735-7670. Mobile: (267) 324-6227. E-mails .

    So you want to be a consultant? - Unixwiz ~ For another look at the life of consulting, please consider Spare Room Tycoon Succeeding Independently (subtitled The 70 Lessons of Sane Self-Employment), by Dr. James Chan, which is less about how-to and more about what you're going to go through. It's an easy read, and it gives a great insight to the experiences of self employment in a wide variety of industries. This may give you clues as .

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