Beschreibung The World Guide, 11th edition CD-ROM: Global reference, country by country. “Outstanding work of reference.”—British Library Association The World Guide 11th edition CD-ROM is a fully searchable reference guide to the countries of the world. Its contents include all the information found in the printed editions, as well as: An interactive world map, which can be viewed through development indicators such as demography, health, education, economy, energy, communications, food, land use, and public expenditure The latest Amnesty International reports on human rights in more than 150 countries and hundreds of Social Watch reports showing how countries measure up in terms of key development targets Slide shows and national anthems for each country
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The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum ~ This edition was clearly informed by the international commit-ments made at the first World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other global initiatives. However, even as the policy landscape continues to evolve, we know that the immediate survival needs of people in conflict and disasters remain largely the same wherever crisis strikes. Sphere supports .
SOUTH AFRICA ECONOMIC UPDATE - World Bank ~ It is our hope that the country will continue to use the World Bank’s knowledge, global experience, and convening power as a platform for peer-to-peer learning to identify evidenced- based, pragmatic solutions that can contribute towards achieving the National Development Plan’s goals. I am pleased to launch this 11th edition of the South Africa Economic Update, which offers a review of .
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