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    Who Were the Rich?: 1809 - 1839 v. 1: A Biographical Directory of British Wealth-holders

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    Who Were the Rich?: 1809 - 1839 v. 1: A Biographical ~ Buy Who Were the Rich?: 1809 - 1839 v. 1: A Biographical Directory of British Wealth-holders New ed. by William D. Rubinstein (ISBN: 9781904863397) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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    John Pemble · Golden Dolly: Rich Britons · LRB 24 ~ Who Were the Rich? A Biographical Directory of British Wealth-Holders. Vol. I: 1809-39 by William Rubinstein. Social . was also one of the oldest. She died in 1839, worth more than a million, at the age of 91. And the oldest person in Britain was also among the richest. Elizabeth Ramsden died in 1817, worth £140,000, at the age of 106. The average age at death of the whole adult population .

    Vol. 57, No. 2, 2009 of The Agricultural History Review on ~ Who were the rich? A biographical directory of British wealth-holders. Volume One, 1809–1839 A biographical directory of British wealth-holders. Volume One, 1809–1839 by WILLIAM D. RUBINSTEIN (p. 285)

    William Rubinstein - Wikipedia ~ Who Were the Rich?: 1809 - 1839 v. 1: A Biographical Directory of British Wealth-holders; The Truth Will Out (co-author with Brenda James) Who Wrote Shakespeare's Plays? The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History, Palgrave Macmillan (2011), ISBN 978-1-4039-3910-4 (co-author with Michael Jolles, Hilary L. Rubinstein) References

    Napoleonic Wars / Summary, Combatants, & Maps / Britannica ~ Napoleonic Wars, series of wars between Napoleonic France and other European powers that produced a brief French hegemony over most of Europe. Along with the French Revolutionary wars, the Napoleonic Wars constitute a 23-year period of recurrent conflict that ended with the Battle of Waterloo.

    A short biography of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ~ Edgar Poe was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. That makes him Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius. His parents were David and Elizabeth Poe. David was born in Baltimore on July 18, 1784. Elizabeth Arnold came to the U.S. from England in 1796 and married David Poe after her first husband died in 1805. They had three children, Henry, Edgar, and .

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    Convicts / NSW State Archives ~ Between 1788 and 1842 about 80,000 convicts were transported to New South Wales. Of these, approximately 85% were men and 15% were women. Almost two thirds of convicts were English (along with a small number of Scottish and Welsh), with the Irish making up the remaining one third.

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    British India Genealogy: Databases & Online Records ~ Find online databases and records for researching ancestors in British India, the territories of India under the tenancy or sovereignty of the East India Company or British Crown between 1612 and 1947. Among these were the provinces of Bengal, Bombay, Burma, Madras, Punjab, Assam and United Provinces, encompassing portions of present-day India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

    Thomas Paine / Biography, Common Sense, & Rights of Man ~ Thomas Paine died in New York City on June 8, 1809, and was buried in New Rochelle. English political journalist William Cobbett later exhumed Paine’s bones and took them to England, hoping to give Paine a funeral worthy of his contributions to humanity. But the plan backfired, and the bones were lost.

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    British Artists - ArtCyclopedia ~ British artists: List of great British artists and index to where their art can be viewed at art museums worldwide. Artists by Nationality: . 1809-1854: Painter/Engraver : Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond: 1809-1886: Photographer : Owen Jones: 1809-1874: Architect/Designer : Dr. John Murray: 1809-1898: Photographer : George Richmond : 1809-1896: Painter : Elizabeth Rigby: 1809-1893: Writer : Henry .

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