Beschreibung Birch, D: Identity is the New Money (Perspectives). This book argues that personal identity is changing profoundly and that money is changing equally profoundly. Cash will be replaced by a proliferation of new digital currencies.
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Identity is the New Money (Perspectives): Birch, David ~ I've heard the analogy between identity and money a number of times and frankly was skeptical that I'd find any real new information in the book. But enough colleagues in the industry recommended it to me that I finally broke down and read it. And now I see why. Dave's knowledge of both money and identity is very deep, and there are a number of core insights here about how and why the two are .
The Currency Cold War: Cash and Cryptography, Hash Rates ~ David G.W. Birch is a director of Consult Hyperion, an IT management consultancy that specializes in electronic transactions. Described by The Telegraph as âone of the worldâs leading experts on digital moneyâ, by The Independent as a âgrade-A geekâ, by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation as âone of the most user-friendly of the UKâs uber-techiesâ and by Financial .
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