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    The Storytelling Book: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Communications: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Presentations (Concise Advice)

    Beschreibung The Storytelling Book: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Communications: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Presentations (Concise Advice). Business presentations could be simpler, more engaging and so much more effective, and our business lives so much more rewarding if we remember to restore the emotional power of storytelling. In an age that is Data Rich but Insight-Poor and when most people in the world of business find themselves caught up in a system of numbers and spread sheets, this book shows that the time has come to restore the lost art of storytelling; to put the "author" back in "authority"; to write less and think more. Through a simple step-by step approach, the author shows that we need to change how we communicate in our day-to-day lives, and that if we revert to our inherent role as storytellers we are more likely to be both more effective and productive, and a lot less frustrated into the bargain.LID Publishing's popular Concise Advice Lab notebooks are designed to be quick and comprehensive brainstorming tools for busy professionals. The small trim size makes it easy to take along in a briefcase or purse. Interior pages are matte finish, so ink won't smear, and there's plenty of space to jot notes. A ribbon makes it easy to mark your place, and the elastic outer band keeps the notebook closed.

    Buch The Storytelling Book: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Communications: Finding the Golden Thread in Your Presentations (Concise Advice) PDF ePub

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