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    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State

    Beschreibung China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State. This is a best-seller in China and a geopolitical book for our times. As a leading thinker from China, Zhang Weiwei provides an original, comprehensive and engrossing study on the rise of China and its effective yet controversial model of development, and the book has become a centerpiece of an unfolding debate within China on the nature and future of the world's most populous nation and its possible global impact. China's rise, according to Zhang, is not the rise of an ordinary country, but the rise of a different type of country, a country sui generis, a civilizational state, a new model of development and a new political discourse which indeed questions many of the Western assumptions about democracy, good governance and human rights. The book is as analytical as it is provocative, and should be required reading for everyone concerned with the rise of China and its global implications.

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    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State - Zhang ~ China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State / Zhang, Weiwei / ISBN: 9781938134012 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Weiwei, Z: China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State ~ China's rise, according to Zhang, is not the rise of an ordinary country, but the rise of a different type of country, a country sui generis, a civilizational state, a new model of development and a new political discourse which indeed questions many of the Western assumptions about democracy, good governance and human rights. The book is as analytical as it is provocative, and should be .

    The China Wave:Rise of a Civilizational State (English ~ China's rise, according to Zhang, is not the rise of an ordinary country, but the rise of a different type of country, a country sui generis, a civilizational state, a new model of development and a new political discourse which indeed questions many of the Western assumptions about democracy, good governance and human rights. The book is as analytical as it is provocative, and should be .

    [PDF] The China Wave Rise Of A Civilizational State - Pdf ~ As a leading thinker from China The China Wave - worldscientific The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State is the geopolitical book for our times. It frames the rise of China, which is the big story of the 21st Century, with a bold and novel theory that challenges conventional wisdom of national structure, democracy, and what constitutes good governance.

    { The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State ~ [{ The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State - Greenlight By Zhang, Weiwei ( Author ) Mar - 22- 2012 ( Paperback ) } ] / Weiwei Zhang / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State eBook by ~ China's rise, according to Zhang, is not the rise of an ordinary country, but the rise of a different type of country, a country sui generis, a civilizational state, a new model of development and a new political discourse which indeed questions many of the Western assumptions about democracy, good governance and human rights. The book is as analytical as it is provocative, and should be .

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    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State: .co ~ "The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State is the geopolitical book for our times. It frames the rise of China, which is the big story of the 21st Century, with a bold and novel theory that challenges conventional wisdom of national structure, democracy, and what constitutes good governance. At a time when American exceptionalism is on the wane, are we ready for Chinese exceptionalism on .

    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State ebook by ~ Read "China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State" by Weiwei Zhang available from Rakuten Kobo. This is a best-seller in China and a geopolitical book for our times. As a leading thinker from China, Zhang Weiwei prov.

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    Zhang Weiwei – Wikipedia ~ Zhang Weiwei (chinesisch 張維為, Pinyin Zhāng Wéiwèi) (* 1957) ist ein chinesischer Politikwissenschaftler. Er ist Professor für internationale Beziehung an der Fudan-Universität.. Zhang arbeitete in den 1980er Jahren als Dolmetscher für Deng Xiaoping und andere Mitglieder der chinesischen Führung. Später verbrachte er viele Jahre in Europa und war unter anderem Fellow am .

    China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State - Zhang ~ China Wave, The: Rise Of A Civilizational State von Zhang Weiwei - Englische Bücher zum Genre Politikwissenschaft günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.

    When China Rules The World: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom ~ China will replace the United States as the world's dominant power. In so doing, it will not become more western but the world will become more Chinese. Jacques argues that we cannot understand China in western terms but only through its own history and culture. To this end, he introduces a powerful set of ideas including China as a civilization-state, the tributary system, the Chinese idea of .

    Xiongnu – Wikipedia ~ Im 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. gründeten die Xiongnu unter T'ou-man und seinem Sohn Mao Tun (209–174 v. Chr.) ein großes Reich, das mehrfach Han-China bedrohte und zeitweise in ein fast tributäres Abhängigkeitsverhältnis brachte. Zu Sima Qians Zeiten gab es eine Vereinbarung über jährliche Lieferungen von Seide, Gold, Getreide und anderen Materialien an den Chanyu der Xiongnu.