Beschreibung Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change. Despite recent optimism and global initiatives, the implementation of corporate sustainability programs has been slow at best, with less than a third of global companies having developed a clear business case for their approach to sustainability. Presenting numerous award-winning cases and examples from companies such as Unilever, Patagonia, Tumi, DSM and Umicore alongside original ideas based upon 20 years of consulting experience, this book reveals how to design and implement a stronger sense of focus and move sustainability programs forward. This proven combination of purpose, direction and speed is dubbed “Vectoring”. Based upon practitioner cases and data analysis from the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Vectoring offers a plain-spoken framework to identify the relative position of companies compared to their peers. The framework and its 4 archetypes deliver insights for practitioners to locate inhibitors and overcome them by providing practical suggestions for process improvements. This includes designing and executing new sustainability programs, embedding the SDGs within company strategy and assessing the impact of sustainability programs on competitiveness and valuation. Offering directions for CFOs to shift companies from integrated reporting to integrated thinking in order to accelerate their sustainability programs, Winning Sustainability Strategies shows how to achieve purpose with profit and how to do well by doing good.
Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change ~ Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change. Authors: Leleux, Benoit, van der Kaaij . Winning Sustainability Strategies shows how to achieve purpose with profit and how to do well by doing good. Show all . About the authors. Benoit Leleux is the Stephan Schmidheiny Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he was also director of the MBA .
Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose ~ Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change / Leleux, Benoit, van der Kaaij, Jan / ISBN: 9783319974446 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Winning Sustainability Strategies - IMD business school ~ Winning Sustainability Strategies Finding purpose, driving innovation and executing change. By Professor Benoit F. Leleux Benoit F. Leleux and Executive in Residence Jan Van der Kaaij Jan Van der Kaaij. Despite recent optimism and global initiatives, the implementation of corporate sustainability programs has been slow at best, with less than a third of global companies having developed a .
Winning Sustainability Strategies / Finding Purpose ~ Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change. Order your copy now! Contrary to popular belief and the optimism generated by the ambitious global targets set in the Paris Agreement and the UNs Sustainable Development Goals, the implementation of corporate sustainability programs has been slow at best, sloppy and ineffective at worst. Less than a third of global companies have .
Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose ~ : Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change eBook: Benoit Leleux, Jan van der Kaaij, van der Kaaij, Jan: Kindle Store
Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose ~ Buy Winning Sustainability Strategies: Finding Purpose, Driving Innovation and Executing Change 1st ed. 2019 by Leleux, Benoit, van der Kaaij, Jan (ISBN: 9783319974446) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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