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    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers

    Beschreibung The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers. EUROPEAN BESTSELLER • The most comprehensive book for freelancers ever written — Packed with proven freelance know-how, including advice from world-class experts like David Allen, Adam Grant, Austin Kleon, and David H. Hansson.“A unique book” — Steven PressfieldThe Freelance Way is THE business book for independent professionals. It presents the best available and fully up-to-date freelance know-how, compiled from hundreds of quality sources, including surveys, the latest market data, advice from top experts, as well as real-life experiences and stories from hundreds of professionals in different fields and countries, which makes the book highly relevant to freelancers worldwide.The contents of this volume cover all the basics and best practices for beginning freelancers, as well as advanced career strategies and tools for freelance veterans. There are practical tips for greater productivity, successful teamwork, smart pricing, powerful business negotiations, bulletproof personal finance, effective marketing, and much more.Regardless if you've been in business for 20 years, or are just starting out, this book will help you to grow, avoid countless mistakes and develop a successful personal business based on your expertise and good name, to live a free, independent, and fulfilled life.THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU IF:You are a freelancer.You are dealing with freelance problems that people around you don’t understand.You are considering quitting your job to freelance and are afraid to take risks.You are just starting out in small business.You have been freelancing for a long time and want to acquire new business skills.You are thinking about your career strategy and where will you be in ten or twenty years.You are doing gigs alongside your daily job or studies and it already resembles a business.You are self-employed, working for a single client and want to be more independent.You are running a company or agency founded by you and on your good name.You want to understand freelancers, freelancing and the gig economy in general.PRAISE FOR THE FREELANCE WAY“If you want to succeed as an independent professional, it is essential that you educate yourself about running a personal business. You can either learn this the hard way through trial and error, or read this unique book instead. It covers virtually everything you need to know as a freelancer on how to start, manage and grow your business — be it a local or a global one, working remotely. Robert's book is packed with proven advice, tools, stories and wisdom from people who have gone down this road before you. It will undoubtedly help you live and prosper, the freelance way.”— Steven Pressfield, world-famous author of Gates of Fire, The War of Art, and The Legend of Bagger Vance“As freelancers, we know why we should run our indie careers as a business, but how is often a challenge. This essential book delivers actionable advice and practical tips you can use to build a solid business foundation right now.”— Melissa Joulwan, author of the best-selling Well Fed cookbook series“Are you an experienced entrepreneur? Then this book will save your ass several times over. Are you a newbie freelancer starting out? It may even save your life! The Freelance Way is one of the most useful books that I have read on my journey to a free(lance) life.”— Michelle Losekoot, freelance writer and digital storyteller with major brands like Puma, T-Mobile, and O2

    Buch The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers PDF ePub

    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools ~ Robert Vlach THE FREELANCE WAY. Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers The most comprehensive book for freelancers ever written. Packed with proven freelance know-how, including exclusive advice provided by world-class experts David Allen, Adam Grant, Austin Kleon, and David H. Hansson. “A unique book” — Steven Pressfield

    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools ~ The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers / Vlach, Robert / ISBN: 9788075550798 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools ~ The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers (English Edition) eBook: Robert Vlach: : Kindle-Shop

    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools ~ THE FREELANCE WAY Best Business Practices, Tools & Strategies for Freelancers. The most comprehensive book for freelancers ever written — Packed with proven freelance know-how, including exclusive advice provided by world-class experts David Allen, Adam Grant, Austin Kleon, and David H. Hansson.

    The Freelance Way: Best Business Practices, Tools ~ The Freelance Way is THE business book for independent professionals. It presents the best available and fully up-to-date freelance know-how, compiled from hundreds of quality sources, including surveys, the latest market data, advice from top experts, as well as real-life experiences and stories from hundreds of professionals in different fields and countries, which makes the book highly .

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