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    Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day

    Beschreibung Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day. 35 thousand - that's the average number of decisions a person makes every day. Have you ever wondered how many of these are digital decisions? The ones we make using technology devices like smartphones, wearables, laptops. Also the ones that computers, algorithms and Artificial Intelligence make for us.The vast majority of our decisions are influenced by irrational and emotional factors. For decades, scientists have been studying so we can better understand how it is possible not only to predict but also influence decisions through interventions on the environment where decisions are made."A must-read book when digital not only takes over the world, but also our minds." – Arthur Paredes – author of Profundamente

    Buch Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day PDF ePub

    Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 ~ Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35, 000 decisions we make every day / Pereira, Fabio, Pereira, Fabio / ISBN: 9788594377159 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 ~ : Digital Nudge: The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day eBook: Pereira, Fabio: Kindle Store

    Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 ~ Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day. 25.10.2020 bubyn. Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we .

    Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 ~ Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day 54 02.11.2020 by maqi Leave a Comment on Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day

    Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 ~ Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day; 29.10.2020. Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we make every day. Digital Nudge The hidden forces behind the 35,000 decisions we .

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