Beschreibung Products that Last: Product Design for Circular Business Models. Products that Last starts where most bookson product development end. This new edition(first self-published by the TU Delft in 2014)contains new examples and insights from recentpublications. From the perspective of designersand entrepreneurs, once a product has beendesigned, produced and sold, it disappearsbeyond the newness horizon. They are little awareof the opportunities that exist in the next productuniverse, where money is made from products inuse, as well as from a product’s afterlife. Theseopportunities clearly exist, otherwise they wouldnot be providing an income for so many people.However, to be recognized as segments of acircle of continuous value creation, they needreframing.The book offers readers an innovative andpractical methodology to unravel a product’safterlife and systematically evaluate it for newopportunities. It introduces business modelsthat enable us to benefit from the opportunitiesoffered by a much longer product life.Products that Last changes the way designersand entrepreneurs develop and exploit goods,helping reduce material and energy consumptionover time. Nothing more, nothing less.• innovative and practical methodology to unravela product’s afterlife• introduces business models that enable alonger product life and reduce material andenergy consumption• changes the way designers and entrepreneursdevelop and exploit goods
Products That Last - product design for circular business ~ PRODUCTS THAT LAST - product design for circular business models-starts where most books on product development end. From the perspective of designers and entrepreneurs once a product has been designed, produced and sold, it disappears beyond the newness horizon. Little are they aware of the opportunities that exist in the next product universe, where money is made from products in use, as .
BIS / Products That Last / C. Bakker, M. den Hollander & E ~ It introduces business models that enable us to benefit from the opportunities offered by a much longer product life. Products that Last changes the way designers and entrepreneurs develop and exploit goods, helping reduce material and energy consumption over time. Nothing more, nothing less. Author. Conny Bakker is full professor of Design Methodology for Sustainability and Circular Economy .
Products that last 2.0 : product design for circular ~ Get this from a library! Products that last 2.0 : product design for circular business models. [Conny Bakker; Marcel den Hollander; Ed van Hinte; Yvo Zijlstra] -- Products that Last [2.0] starts where most books on product development end. This new edition (first self-published by the TU Delft in 2014) contains new examples and insights from recent .
(PDF) Circular Design - Design for Circular Economy ~ The Products That Last project names five business model strategies to . help businesses and designers in a thinking shift towards a circular economy (Bakker & Hollander 2013; Bakker et al. 2014 .
Full article: Product design and business model strategies ~ (2016). Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering: Vol. 33, Sustainable Design and Manufacturing for Circular Economy, pp. 308-320.
Best Practice Examples of Circular Business Models ~ Circular business models in two different sectors are examined, namely the textile and clothing sector as well as the durable goods sector. In order to appreciate the notion of circular business models, the basics of the circular economy are outlined along with three frameworks for categorizing the various types of circular business models. The frameworks take point of departure in resource .
Circular Design - Ellen MacArthur Foundation ~ Design sits prominently at the heart of the circular economy. It requires us to redesign everything: products, business models, cities, and the linear systems that have lasted for the past centuries. This learning path covers the role of design in creating a circular economy, examining the four-stage circular design process and highlighting six strategies for incorporating the principles of .
Circular by design - Products in the circular economy ~ Smarter products and services key to resource-efficient, circular economy Making products like mobile phones and other consumer goods last longer and easier to repair and reuse will be key to the shift towards a more resource-efficient circular economy. A European Environment Agency (EEA) report published today stresses that âcircularâ business models cannot rely on smarter product design .
The 5 business models that put the circular economy to ~ The product life extension model helps companies extend the lifecycle of their products and assets to ensure they remain economically useful. Material that otherwise would be wasted is maintained or even improved, such as through remanufacturing, repairing, upgrading or re-marketing. By extending the lifespan of the product for as long as possible, companies can keep material out of the .
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Circular Product Design - TU Delft ~ Circular Product Design focuses on the development of methods and tools that enable the design of products that are used more than once (i.e. that have multiple lifecycles). This research area explores circular design strategies, such as product life-extension, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling, and the business models that enable these strategies. The research tries to solve tensions and .
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