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    Witnesses to History: A Compendium of Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects (SANS COLL - UNESCO)

    Beschreibung Witnesses to History: A Compendium of Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects (SANS COLL - UNESCO). Are you interested in the return of cultural objects? Do you want to know more about the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural property? UNESCO has just published the Compendium Witnesses to History edited by Professor Lyndel V. Prott. It is 438 pages of reliable information from some of the worlds leading experts in the field of return and restitution of cultural objects and it extends beyond the purely legal aspect. The Compendium gives an outline of the historical, philosophical and ethical aspects of the return of cultural objects (e.g. cultural objects displaced during war or in colonial contexts), cites past and present cases (Maya Temple Facade, Nigerian Bronzes, United States of America v. Schultz, Parthenon Marbles and many more) and analyses legal issues (bona fide, relevant UNESCO and UNIDROIT Conventions, Supreme Court Decisions, procedure for requests etc.). Witnesses to History is literature appropriate for stude

    Buch Witnesses to History: A Compendium of Documents and Writings on the Return of Cultural Objects (SANS COLL - UNESCO) PDF ePub

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