Beschreibung Complete MBA For Dummies® (English Edition). Want to get an MBA? The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today’s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you’ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships, managing risk, and manufacturing. This fun, easy-to-access guide is full of useful information, tips, and checklists that will help you lead, manage, or participate in any business at a high level of competence. You’ll find out how to use databases to your advantage, recognize and reward your employees, analyze financial statements, and understand the challenges of strategic planning in a global business environment. You’ll also learn the basic principals of accounting, get a grip on the concepts behind stocks and bonds, and find out how technology has revolutionized everything from manufacturing to marketing. Discover how to: Know and respond to your customers’ needs Handle budgets and forecasts Recruit and retain top people Establish and run employee teams Use Sarbanes-Oxley to your company’s advantage Negotiate with the best of them Build long-term relationships with clients Avoid common managerial mistakes Improve cash flow Market your products and services Make the most of your advertising dollar Once you know what an MBA knows, the sky’s the limit. Read The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and watch your career take off!
Complete MBA For Dummies 2e (For Dummies Series) - Allen ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today's most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you'll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships, managing .
Complete MBA For Dummies: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies,2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guidethat covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping youto navigate today's most innovative business strategies. Frommanagement to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you'llunderstand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques formotivating employees, building global partnerships, managing risk .
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Complete MBA For Dummies - Kathleen Allen, Peter Economy ~ Want to get an MBA? The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today’s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you’ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global .
Complete MBA For Dummies by Kathleen Allen ~ Want to get an MBA? The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today's most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you'll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employee
Complete MBA For Dummies - Audiobook / Listen Instantly! ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today’s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you’ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships .
The Complete Mba For Dummies - Scene-Rls ~ The Complete MBA for Dummies is full of useful information, tips, and checklists that you can use to lead, manage, or participate- at a high level of competence -in any business. And if you already have your MBA, you’ll find that this book is a handy refresher and reference that can be used wherever you go.
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Editions of Complete MBA For Dummies by Kathleen Allen ~ Editions for Complete MBA For Dummies: 0470194294 (Paperback published in 2008), (Kindle Edition), 076455204X (Paperback published in 2000), 1118052420 (.
Buy Complete MBA For Dummies (For Dummies Series) Book ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2 nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today’s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you’ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships .
Complete MBA For Dummies 2e: : Allen, Kathleen ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2 nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today's most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you'll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships, managing .
Complete MBA For Dummies : Kathleen Allen : 9780470194294 ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2 nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today's most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you'll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships, managing .
Complete MBA For Dummies: Allen, Kathleen, Economy, Peter ~ The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2 nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today’s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you’ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships .
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