Beschreibung Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else (English Edition). Training Camp is an inspirational story filled with invaluable lessons and insights on bringing out the best in yourself and your team. The story follows Martin, an un-drafted rookie trying to make it in the NFL. He’s spent his entire life proving to the critics that a small guy with a big heart can succeed against all odds. After spraining his ankle in the pre-season, Martin thinks his dream is lost when he happens to meet a very special coach who shares eleven life-changing lessons that keep his dream alive—and might even make him the best of the best. If you want to be your best—Training Camp offers an inspirational story and real-world wisdom on what it takes to reach true excellence and how you and your team (your work team, school team, church team and family team) can achieve it.
0470462086 - Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than ~ Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else. Find all books from Jon Gordon. At euro-book you can find used, antique and new books, compare results and immediately purchase your selection at the best price. 0470462086. Training Camp is an inspirational story filled with invaluable.
Jon Gordon - ~ Bücher von Jon Gordon Sprache: Sprache: . Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else (English Edition) 27.04.2009. von Jon Gordon Kindle Ausgabe. 14,76 € Audible Hörbuch. EUR 0,00 im Probemonat. Gebundene Ausgabe. 18,11 € Nur noch 2 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). Andere Formate: Taschenbuch , Audio-CD , Unbekannter Einband ( 221 ) The Carpenter: A Story About the .
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