Beschreibung The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time (English Edition). Why Do Some Companies Thrive In A Recession, While Others Die? Victor Cheng, a former McKinsey consultant and marketing expert for the Fox Business Television Network, led a major research project to find the answer to this provocative question. After analyzing 12 US recessions spanning 136 years, this research uncovered dozens of startup companies that thrived during the economic chaos of their day. Discover how in the midst of a major recession Federal Express, Disney, Hewlett-Packard, UPS, Coors, and others opened their doors as one- and two-person businesses-and grew to become Fortune 500 giants. Why did these businesses prosper, while thousands of others failed? What made the difference? Unintentionally, they all followed the same winning "formula"-four simple rules that allowed them to survive and thrive, while others died. Discover these timeless rules in The Recession-Proof Business and follow in the footsteps of the greatest recession success stories of all time.
The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest ~ The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time - Kindle edition by Cheng, Victor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time.
The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest ~ The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time [Cheng, Victor] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time
Victor Cheng - ~ The Recession-Proof Business: Lessons from the Greatest Recession Success Stories of All Time (English Edition) 15.04.2009. von Victor Cheng ( 5 ) 2,99 € Why Do Some Companies Thrive In A Recession, While Others Die? Victor Cheng, a former McKinsey consultant and marketing expert for the Fox Business Television Network, led a major research project to find the answer to this provocative .
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