Beschreibung Cold Steel: Lakshmi Mittal and the Multi-Billion-Dollar Battle for a Global Empire (English Edition). When the world's two largest steel producers went head to head in a bitter struggle for market domination, an epic corporate battle ensued that sent shockwaves through the political corridors of Europe, overheated the world's financial markets and transformed the steel industry. Billions of dollars were at stake.At the heart of the battle were two men: Guy Dollé, Chairman and CEO of Luxembourg-based Arcelor, the world's largest steel producer by turnover and Lakshmi Mittal, a self-made Indian industrialist and the richest man in Great Britain. Only one could prevail . . .
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Cold Steel: Lakshmi Mittal And The Multi Billion Dollar ~ 'Cold Steel' is the story of the biggest and most hard-fought industry takeover in recent years, bringing to life the cut and thrust of big businesses at war with each other.
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