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    Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (English Edition). In the past fifty years, more than $1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. Has this assistance improved the lives of Africans? No. In fact, across the continent, the recipients of this aid are not better off as a result of it, but worse—much worse.In Dead Aid, Dambisa Moyo describes the state of postwar development policy in Africa today and unflinchingly confronts one of the greatest myths of our time: that billions of dollars in aid sent from wealthy countries to developing African nations has helped to reduce poverty and increase growth. In fact, poverty levels continue to escalate and growth rates have steadily declined—and millions continue to suffer. Provocatively drawing a sharp contrast between African countries that have rejected the aid route and prospered and others that have become aid-dependent and seen poverty increase, Moyo illuminates the way in which overreliance on aid has trapped developing nations in a vicious circle of aid dependency, corruption, market distortion, and further poverty, leaving them with nothing but the "need" for more aid. Debunking the current model of international aid promoted by both Hollywood celebrities and policy makers, Moyo offers a bold new road map for financing development of the world's poorest countries that guarantees economic growth and a significant decline in poverty—without reliance on foreign aid or aid-related assistance.Dead Aid is an unsettling yet optimistic work, a powerful challenge to the assumptions and arguments that support a profoundly misguided development policy in Africa. And it is a clarion call to a new, more hopeful vision of how to address the desperate poverty that plagues millions.

    Buch Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how there is another ~ Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa / Moyo, Dambisa / ISBN: 9780141031187 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better ~ “Dambisa Moyo's book Dead Aid is a timely book which brings forth what we have been thinking about Western aid, but did not dare to speak out . . . Moyo has shown brilliantly that Western aid, governmental or non-governmental, couldn't help Africa in regard to transforming to a better form of social organization, by which innovation and technological development become possible . . . Moyo .

    Dead Aid : Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Dead Aid : Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa by Dambisa Moyo (2009, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    Dead Aid Why Is Not Working And How There A Better Way For ~ Dead Aid Why Is Not Working And How There A Better Way For Africa Dambisa Moyo Author: ��Mandy Eberhart Subject: ��Dead Aid Why Is Not Working And How There A Better Way For Africa Dambisa Moyo Keywords: Dead Aid Why Is Not Working And How There A Better Way For Africa Dambisa Moyo,Download Dead Aid Why Is Not Working And How There A Better Way For Africa Dambisa Moyo,Free .

    Africa doesn’t need charity, it needs good leadership ~ One thing is obvious: the results are not exactly what Africa’s development partners have expected, and the reasons are not far-fetched. Dambisa Moyo, global economist and author, contends in her book Dead Aid that while foreign aid that addresses humanitarian needs caused by drought and conflict is helpful, most of the aid given to African countries is rather harmful.

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