Beschreibung Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing (Third Edition) (English Edition). The highly acclaimed manual for changing everyday habits-now in an all-newthird edition! We are consuming resources and polluting our environment at a rate that is outstripping our planet's ability to support us. To create a sustainable future, we must not only change our own actions, we must educate and encourage those around us to change theirs. If one individual recycles his plastic containers, the impact is minimal. But if an entire community recycles, enormous amounts of resources are saved. How then do we go about transforming people's good intentions into action? Fostering Sustainable Behavior explains how the field of community-based social marketing has emerged as an effective tool for encouraging positive social change. This completely revised and updated third edition contains a wealth of new research, behavior change tools, and case studies. Learn how to: target unsustainable behaviors, and identify the barriers to change understand various commitment strategies communicate effective messages enhance motivation and invite participation. The strategies introduced in this ground-breaking manual are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in promoting sustainable behavior, including environmental conservation, recycling and waste reduction, water and energyefficiency and alternative transportation.
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Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to ~ I highly recommend the definitive and must read book Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing Third Edition by Doug McKenzie-Mohr, to anyone serious about creating a sustainable environment policy or plan, and for implementing a system of community-based social marketing.This book will be read over and over again, and makes the ideal textbook for .
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