Beschreibung Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business (English Edition). What’s your entrepreneurial profile?Do you have what it takes to build a great business?In this book, three prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs—now venture capitalists and CEO advisers—share the qualities that surface again and again in those who successfully achieve their goals. The common traits? Heart, smarts, guts, and luck.After interviewing and researching hundreds of business-builders across the globe, the authors found that every one of them—from young founder to seasoned CEO—holds a combination of these four attributes. Indeed each of us tends to be biased toward one of these traits in our decision-making, and figuring out which trait drives you will lead to greater self-awareness and likelihood of success in starting and growing a business.So are you:• Heart-dominant, like renowned chef Alice Waters or Starbucks’s Howard Schultz?• Smarts-dominant, like Jeff Bezos of Amazon or legendary investor Warren Buffett?• Guts-dominant, like Nelson Mandela or Virgin’s Richard Branson?• Or are you most defined by the luck trait, like Tony Hsieh of Zappos (and a surprisingly high proportion of other successful entrepreneurs)?Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck includes the first Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test (E.A.T), a simple tool to help determine your specific profile.Though no single archetype for entrepreneurial success exists, this book will help you understand which traits to “dial up” or “dial down” to realize your full potential, and when these traits are most and least helpful (or even detrimental) during critical points of a company lifecycle. Not only will you know how to build a better business faster, you’ll also take your natural leadership style to the next level.
Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an ~ Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business - Ebook written by Anthony K. Tjan, Richard J. Harrington, Tsun-Yan Hsieh. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and .
Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an ~ Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business [Tjan, Anthony K., Harrington, Richard J., Hsieh, Tsun-Yan] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business
Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an ~ Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business (English Edition) eBook: Tjan, Anthony K., Harrington, Richard J., Hsieh .
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Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck: What It Takes to Be an ~ ‘"Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck,’ by Anthony Tjan, Richard Harrington, and Tsun-Yan Hsieh, gives you what you really need to succeed in business: Entrepreneurship tests, real world stories, workable strategies, and lots more. Maybe the subtitle of this excellent book says it best: ‘What it takes to be an entrepreneur and build a great business.’ Check it out.” —
Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an ~ “Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck will identify the right path for any entrepreneur—from those in the early stages of a startup, to veterans scaling an established business.” — Open Forum from American Express “Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck is a book that you can read from start to finish. In fact, that’s exactly what I’d recommend .
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Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck ~ HEART, SMARTS, GUTS, and LUCK (HSGL) incorporates the results of the first ever Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test (E.A.T), a simple tool drawing on hundreds of surveys and interviews with business-builders around the globe.It's core finding is that business success and decision-making is driven by the four traits of the book's title – one's Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck.
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