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    The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing What Works For You (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing What Works For You (English Edition). A pep talk in your pocket This short, small, highly illustrated book will fill you to the brim with happiness, positivity, wellbeing and, most importantly, success! Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker are experts in the art of happiness and positive psychology and The Art of Being Brilliant is crammed full of good advice, instructive case studies, inspiring quotes, some funny stuff and important questions to make you think about your work, relationships and life. You see being brilliant, successful and happy isn't about dramatic change, it’s about finding out what really works for you and doing more of it! The authors lay down their six common-sense principles that will ensure you focus on what you’re good at and become super brilliant both at work and at home. A richly illustrated, 2 colour, small book full of humour, inspiring quotes and solid advice A great read with a serious underlying message – how to foster positivity and bring about success in every aspect of your life Outlines six common-sense principles that will help you ensure you are the best you can be

    Buch The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing What Works For You (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing ~ The Art of Being Brilliant is crammed full of advice, case studies, quotes, funny stuff and important questions to get you thinking about your work, relationships and life. You’ll discover your strength, learn to make the most of what you’ve got, identify where you want to be, and take some concrete steps towards your brilliant future.

    The Art Of Being Brilliant - atcloud ~ The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing . The Art of Being Brilliant. by. Andrew Cope. 3.91 · Rating details · 137 ratings · 19 reviews. Follow six common sense principles to help change your life. It contains lots of questions and case studies but also lots of funny stuff . to make you smile or even Page 2/9. Read Online The Art Of Being Brilliant laugh!! The Art of .

    Be Brilliant Every Day: Cope, Andy, Whittaker, Andy ~ Be Brilliant Every Day will get you to think about your mindset, show you how to ditch those down days and be on form every single day. With a solid understanding of positive psychology and a bit of funny stuff, this book will help you to get motivated , get positive , get happy , and most importantly, how to be all three consistently.

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    How to Be Brilliant 4th edn:Change Your Ways in 90 days ~ The Art of Being Brilliant: Transform Your Life by Doing What Works For You Andy Cope. 4.6 out of 5 stars 369. Paperback . ÂŁ8.29. How to Have a Brilliant Life:Put a little bit more in. Get so much more out Michael Heppell. 4.1 out of 5 stars 42. Paperback. ÂŁ8.74. Only 5 left in stock (more on the way). By Michael Heppell How to be Brilliant: Change your ways in 90 days! (4th Edition) Michael .

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