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    Work with Me: How gender intelligence can help you succeed at work and in life (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Work with Me: How gender intelligence can help you succeed at work and in life (English Edition). Despite the strenuous efforts to give women equal status in the workplace over the last few decades, tension between the sexes in the workplace remains as rampant as ever: during exit interviews many women, often leaving to start their own businesses, cite feeling undervalued or unappreciated at the office. Despite countless company initiatives, equality protocols, and gender seminars we have made little significant advancement. So why can't the sexes work together?In this fresh exploration of the relationships between men and women in the office, world-renowned expert on gender issues in the workplace, Barbara Annis, and John Gray, author of the number one relationship book of all time, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, team up to reveal the eight gender blindspots that create friction between the sexes at work. Annis and Gray use stories, science and research (including over 100,000 in-depth interviews of male and female executives in over 60 Fortune 500 companies) to expose the blindspots that cause misunderstandings, miscommunications, mistrust, resentment and frustrations. Filled with 'ah-ha' moments, Work with Me provides a blueprint for boosting your gender intelligence. It provides new insights and solutions that will help break down barriers and enable men and women to bridge their different values, build trust and increase their credibility with each other, at work and at home.

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