Beschreibung The Naked Coach: Business Coaching Made Simple (English Edition). Bestselling author David Taylor returns with his take on business coaching. No fuss. No jargon. Just great ideas. The Naked Coach is the back-to-basics book on coaching that will make sense of coaching and place it back at the very heart of the business agenda. It will make understanding, learning and teaching coaching simple. The Naked Coach tells real, practical, fun, exciting and above all else relevant stories that you can apply straightaway. David Taylor strips away the hype, jargon and mystery to give coaching a clear definition in all its forms, including mentoring, training, facilitation and interventions of every kind. The Naked Coach explains coaching without being patronising, defines without being arrogant, and does it in a fun, accessible way. It is coaching from a different perspective – yours. The fundamental principle of The Naked Coach is to be yourself – always. Find what works for you, and do it, again and again and again. Remember. No fuss. No Jargon. Just great ideas.
The Naked Coach: Business Coaching Made Simple: .co ~ The Naked Coach is the back-to-basics book on coaching that will make sense of coaching and place it back at the very heart of the business agenda. It will make understanding, learning and teaching coaching simple. The Naked Coach tells real, practical, fun, exciting and above all else relevant stories that you can apply straightaway. David Taylor strips away the hype, jargon and mystery to .
: Customer reviews: The Naked Coach: Business ~ The Naked Coach: Business Coaching Made Simple. by David Taylor. Format: Paperback Change. Price: $11.30 + $3.99 shipping. Write a review. Add to Cart . Add to Wish List. Search. Sort by. Top rated. Filter by. All reviewers. All stars. All formats. Text, image, video. Showing 1-2 of 2 reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Gunnar jonatansson. 4.0 out .
The Naked Leader: : Taylor, David ~ The Naked Leader is a distillation of David Taylor's ideas and inspiration - ideas which have made him Europe's most sought-after speaker on leadership and personal growth. David is known as the "Naked Leader" because of his extraordinary ability to strip away uncertainty and doubt, and conclusively show that everything we need to be successful, we already have.
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