Beschreibung Managerial Accounting For Dummies (English Edition). The easy way to master a managerial accounting course Are you enrolled in a managerial accounting class and finding yourself struggling? Fear not! Managerial Accounting For Dummies is the go-to study guide to help you easily master the concepts of this challenging course. You'll discover the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to identify, measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate information in the pursuit of an organization's goals. Tracking to a typical managerial accounting course and packed with easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Managerial Accounting For Dummies explores cost behavior, cost analysis, profit planning and control measures, accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, ethical challenges in managerial accounting, and much more. Covers the key concepts and tools needed to communicate accounting information for managerial decision-making within an organization Plain-English explanations of managerial accounting terminology and methods Tracks to a typical college-level managerial accounting course Managerial Accounting For Dummies makes it fast and easy to grasp the concepts needed to score your highest in a managerial accounting course.
Managerial Accounting For Dummies: : Holtzman ~ Managerial Accounting For Dummies is the go-to study guide to help you easily master the concepts of this challenging course. You'll discover the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to identify, measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate information in the pursuit of an organization's goals.
Managerial Accounting For Dummies / Wiley ~ Managerial Accounting For Dummies is the go-to study guide to help you easily master the concepts of this challenging course. Youll discover the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to identify, measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate information in the pursuit of an organizations goals. Tracking to a typical managerial accounting course and packed with easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Managerial Accounting For Dummies explores cost behavior, cost analysis .
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