Beschreibung Marketing Your Complementary Therapy Business 4th Edition: 101 Tried and Tested Ways to Attract and Retain Clients (English Edition). This book is for newly qualified and well established therapists in all branches of complementary therapy. Being a successful therapist, particularly in private practice, requires good marketing skills, and the purpose of this book is to give you so many ways of marketing your practice that it would be virtually impossible to fail. If you use this book as it is intended you should be able to create a tidal wave of enquiries from potential clients, you can then let your therapy skills take over. This book will help you to: - * PREPARE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL; FROM BROCHURES AND BUSINESS CARDS TO LEAFLETS AND NEWSLETTERS. * DECIDE WHERE TO ADVERTISE; IN NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, NEWSLETTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS. - * USE THE INTERNET AND ON-LINE DIRECTORIES TO YOUR ADVANTAGE - * DEVELOP WORKING RELATIONSHIPS WITH LOCAL ORGANISATIONS, GROUPS, SOCIETIES AND RETAILERS * CONSIDER THE VALUE OF OFFERING DISCOUNTS, VOUCHERS, FREE CONSULTATIONS, OPEN DAYS AND OTHER PROMOTIONS. There are more than 101 ways to market your practice. You will know that you are successful when you start to create your own ideas.
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