Beschreibung The Escape Manifesto: Quit Your Corporate Job. Do Something Different! (English Edition). Rob, Dom and Mikey were fed up with the corporate treadmill. When they decided to change careers, they looked for a website to help them escape - except there wasn't one. So they started their own. Three years later and they have started a movement called Escape the City. Over 100,000 people have joined in pursuit of exciting and unconventional careers. They are the first online start-up in the world to raise more than £500,000 in investment equity crowdfunding - and they did this entirely from their own membership. The Escape Manifesto is the book that the guys wish they had read three years ago on the London Underground when they were commuting back and forth from their corporate cubicles. It is an inspirational call to action, packed with practical advice and encouragement. If you work in a corporate job that doesn't make you tick and you have ever wondered whether there is more to life, this book is for you. Step off the corporate treadmill - find an exciting job, start your own business, or go on a big adventure. Stop dreaming, start planning and do something different! Reader Feedback "Fab book- inspired me to plan my escape in Jan 2014 to India to clear my head after 29 years in social work then starting my own business. If not now, when?!" - Fionna "My inspiration to take the step out of banking was driven by your book. I had been thinking about it for about a year but I kept putting off leaving the salaried job, that is until a friend left work and handed me a copy." - Selina "The Escape Manifesto is a fantastic book. Page after page really hit the note with me..... I'm leaving my city job to take some time out travelling South America and see what happens!" - Scott "The Manifesto has really helped me in my decision and continuing motivation to leave consulting. So, I’d like to say a massive thank you." - Victoria "I'm so excited to have 'escaped'!! Thanks to the Escape Manifesto for giving me the motivation and push I needed to seek out opportunities I can be passionate about." - Australian Lawyer in London "I'd like to let you know that your website and book! helped me 'escape' my job as management consultant in the Netherlands. I will be moving to Sri Lanka this November to work as general manager of a turtle conservation project, with my girlfriend. I found the job on your site. I'm so excited!" - Andre "I lost track of the number of times I stopped to read out passages to my wife which expressed the exact same thoughts and emotions as I’d been feeling myself, it’s always good to know you’re not the first to have felt this way. I got a bit carried away with the highlighter and have built a to-do list off the back of it." - Graham "Loving the Escape manifesto, I'm planning my escape from finance to conservation for August 2014." - Scott "Your book is by my bed – making notes from the money chapter… hopefully I’ll have news soon." - Victoria "I'm reading your book right now. I'm halfway through but I couldn't resist contacting you before I finish it. It is the perfect reference for finding a new career path and escaping the status quo and pressure from society - very good book!" - Daniel "Your book has made me feel so good about my situation and I now believe I'm doing all the right things to give my plans a good old go. Life is so short and you have nothing to lose. Nothing!!!" - Ed "Even the shittiest day brightens up when I read your blog, your book or just the pics you post on Facebook." - Dagmar "Well chaps, I did it! Quit my job in senior leadership in a blue chip corporate. Now what???? Halfway thru y
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