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    Life. Business: Just Got Easier (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Life. Business: Just Got Easier (English Edition). A motivational smack in the face!  “Beneath the bluff exterior of the self-styled “fat bloke from Manchester” is a shrewd business brain.” The Times  “…a northern Anthony Robbins!”  Theo Paphitis Brad Burton, once a regular in the dole queue, burdened with unbearable levels of debt, is now the MD of a multi-million pound international business. If anyone knows about sorting your life out, it’s Brad. But this isn’t Brad’s story – this is about YOU. Brad is here to share practical, actionable steps – stuff you can actually do – to improve your life, both at home and in business. He’s learnt exactly how to motivate yourself, focus on your passion, face setbacks and keep on moving forward – and now Brad wants to share these lessons with as many people as possible. We all have it in us to improve our lives and succeed – we just need a friendly kick in the pants from Brad!  Chapters include: If your only motivation is money it’s not enough 2 year plan. Forget it. More like 2 week plan No passion. No point Buy my stuff Eject. Eject. Eject. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore

    Buch Life. Business: Just Got Easier (English Edition) PDF ePub

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