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    Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Economic History) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Economic History) (English Edition). The decline of Venice remains one of the classic episodes in the economic development of modern Europe. Its contrasts are familiar enough: the wealthiest commercial power in fifteenth-century Europe, the strongest western colonial power in the eastern Mediterranean, found its principal fame three centuries later in carnival and the arts. This metamorphosis from commercial hegemony to fashionable pleasure and landed wealth was, however, a complex process. It resulted not so much from the Portuguese voyages of discovery at the beginning of the sixteenth century as from increasing Dutch adn English competition at its end, and from industrial competition chiefly from beyond the Mediterranean. Several of the Articles Dr Pullan has chosen to illustrate these changes are made available in English for the first time, and two have been revised for this book. Four deal with the fortunes of entrepot trade and shipbuilding, which had furnished the basis of Venetian wealth adn influence in the Middle Ages; four others expamine the new fields of enterprise which Venice explored in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and which helped to compensate for the decline in traditional activities. This classic book was first published in 1968.

    Buch Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Economic History) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the Sixteenth ~ Four deal with the fortunes of entrepot trade and shipbuilding, which had furnished the basis of Venetian wealth adn influence in the Middle Ages; four others expamine the new fields of enterprise which Venice explored in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and which helped to compensate for the decline in traditional activities. This .

    Venezuela is the biggest economic disaster in modern history ~ Venezuela’s economy, after all, depends on it, so it doesn’t exactly seem like a surprise that the one has collapsed when the other has, too. The only problem with this is that as true as it .

    Crisis and change in the Venetian economy in the sixteenth ~ Crisis and change in the Venetian economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries edited by Brian Pullan (Routledge library editions, . Economic history ; 015 . Ancient, medieval and early modern) Routledge, 2006 : set : subset : hbk

    The Political, Economic, and Military Decline of Venice ~ Master of Arts (History), December 2013, 110 pp., 1 map, 6 images, bibliography, 69 titles. This thesis discusses the decline of the Venetian nobility, the collapse of the Venetian economy, and the political results of the surrender of the Venetian Republic to Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797. Topics include the formation of Venice, Venetian

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    The venetian economy_1400-1797 (2) - SlideShare ~ Even a cursory glance at the studies of Venetian economic history brings us face to face with some of the great scholars of international historiogra- phy. Indeed, Venice was of great interest to many 20th-century scholars, both Italian and foreign, who examined the most important issues in eco- nomic history. Venetian historiography obviously reflects more general cultural tendencies. During .

    Venice - History / Britannica ~ Venice - Venice - History: Uniquely among Italy’s chief cities, Venice came into being after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. The Lombard hordes, whose incursions into northern Italy began in ad 568, drove great numbers of mainlanders onto the islands of the lagoon, previously the homes of itinerant fishermen and salt workers. The isolated communities, literally islands of Veneto .

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    Hungary and the Levantine trade in the 14th–17th centuries ~ Sella, D. (1968): The Rise and Fall of the Venetian Woollen Industry. In: Pullan, B. (ed.): Crisis and Change in the Venetian Economy in the 16th and 17th Centuries. London, pp. 106–115. Simonsfeld, H. (1887): Der Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venedig und die deutsch-venetianischen Handelsbeziehungen. Vol. II. Stuttgart.

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    A Brief History of Venice, Italy - ThoughtCo ~ The Venetian Republic came to an end in 1797, when Napoleon’s French army forced the city to agree to a new, pro-French, ‘democratic’ government; the city was looted of great artworks. Venice was briefly Austrian after a peace treaty with Napoleon, but became French again after the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805, and formed part of the short-lived Kingdom of Italy. The fall of Napoleon .

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