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    Get 10,000 Targeted Facebook Likes in 10 Days - a step-by-step guide (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Get 10,000 Targeted Facebook Likes in 10 Days - a step-by-step guide (English Edition). 10,000 Facebook Likes in 10 DaysThere's no doubt about it, being online is crucial to the success of a business these days. From celebrities and lawyers to your local fish and chip shop, they're all seeing increased revenue through the successful use of social media.But having a Facebook account isn't enough - you need people to see it. In 10,000 Facebook Likes in 10 Days, online entrepreneur and social media expert Jenny Kellett gives you her proven formula for getting real, targeted Facebook likes to your page.Getting thousands of likes is easy - you can pay someone less than a cup of coffee to do that for you. But these likes are worthless - they will never buy your products or need your services. Your likes need to be precisely targeted to the people that are going to be your next customers.Having run her own small business, Jenny Kellett understands the financial restraints that they have. Social media agencies can charge thousands to do the hard work for you, which simply isn't feasible and certainly isn't necessary.Following this detailed and easy-to-read book, you'll have all the tools you need to get real, targeted Facebook likes that will give you the launching pad for getting your message out to a wider audience than ever before.Facebook likes FAQsWill I really get 10,000 Facebook likes?If you follow these methods and put in the hard work then yes, it is more than possible! In fact, there is potential to get even more than 10,000 likes. You just have to put in the work.But I only want 1,000 likes?10,000 is not an exact figure. Obviously everyone has different goals. This book recognises that for some small businesses, 1,000 or even 500 is more than enough likes to see business grow. You can use these methods as aggressively as you like to achieve your desired goal.Is it difficult?Anyone with a basic knowledge of Facebook will be able to use these methods successfully. It does assume that you already have a page set up. The methods are explained in enough detail for beginners to understand but more advanced users will still get plenty out of it.If you're ready to grow your page and build Facebook likes, scroll up and click 'Buy Now'.

    Buch Get 10,000 Targeted Facebook Likes in 10 Days - a step-by-step guide (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Get 10,000 Targeted Facebook Likes in 10 Days - a step-by ~ In 10,000 Facebook Likes in 10 Days, online entrepreneur and social media expert Jenny Kellett gives you her proven formula for getting real, targeted Facebook likes to your page. Getting thousands of likes is easy - you can pay someone less than a cup of coffee to do that for you.

    Facebook Targeting: Alle Möglichkeiten fĂŒr die perfekte ~ „Targeting“ – das Tool, von dem alle berichten, dass es so nĂŒtzlich, hilfreich und sinnvoll fĂŒr Facebook-Anzeigen-Kampagnen sein soll. Dieses Tool, mit dem ich nun endlich genau die Menschen erreiche, fĂŒr die mein Unternehmen relevant ist. Also genau das, was Ihr eigentlich in- und auswendig kennen solltet, wenn Ihr auf Facebook erfolgreich sein wollt. Fehlendes Facebook [

    About Location Targeting / Facebook Business Help Center ~ Beginner's Guide Facebook News Feed. News . News Page Index Local Alerts Breaking News Indicator News Tab Author Verification Link Preview Editing Context Button. Management Tools. Creator Studio Rights Manager Business Suite. Advertise. Expand Navigation HeaderCollapse Navigation Header. Create Ads from a Facebook Page. Beginner's Guide Features Boost Posts Page Likes Call-to-Action Website .

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