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    Start A Home Cleaning Business (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Start A Home Cleaning Business (English Edition). Product Description for Start A Home Cleaning BusinessHave you ever wondered about starting your own home home cleaning business? Have you desired to have flexibility in your schedule, be your own boss and make a good income at the same time?In Start A Home Cleaning Business, author Amber Richards owned and operated a single person home cleaning business for three years. She reveals tips and advice she wishes someone had shared with her before starting the business. With transparency in regards to both mistakes and successes, this e-book is packed filled with insider information and strategies from someone who actually worked in the business. The emphasis is not focused on practical cleaning tips, although there is a chapter about some truly amazing products in general. Cleaning services are in huge demand with today's busy lifestyles, and can be very profitable. You don't even have to do the physical cleaning yourself, if you don't want to, a viable option is starting a cleaning service and hiring employees to do the physical work.This is perfect for someone who is considering, or is curious about starting a house cleaning service, as well as for someone who already has one established, yet wants to grow and expand their business. It offers many creative ideas to pinpoint where exactly you want to go in your business, marketing ideas, and gives 'out of the box' brainstorming to help skyrocket your home cleaning business to your dreams. Download your copy now.

    Buch Start A Home Cleaning Business (English Edition) PDF ePub

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