Beschreibung Million Dollar Launch: How to Kick-start a Successful Consulting Practice in 90 Days (English Edition). “[Weiss is] one of the most highly respected independent consultants in the country.” —New York Post If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, you’ve come to the right place. In Million Dollar Launch, bestselling author and superstar consultant Alan Weiss shows you how to get your business up and running—fast! Step by step, Weiss reveals how to create a revenue-producing practice quickly and successfully—while funds last and while support systems remain passionate. This is an indispensable guide to those critical first 90 days. Alan Weiss is the bestselling author of Million Dollar Consulting. He belongs to the Professional Speaker Hall of Fame and is the recipient of the National Speakers Association Council of Peers Award for Excellence, representing the top 1 percent of professional speakers in the world.
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