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    Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook: The Step-by-Step Guide to the Legal Issues of Self-Publishing (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook: The Step-by-Step Guide to the Legal Issues of Self-Publishing (English Edition). Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook is the first step-by-step guide to the legal issues of self-publishing. Attorney and self-published author Helen Sedwick uses 30 years of legal experience to show writers how to stay out of court and at their desks. She covers a wide range of topics, including:•Business set-up. From DBAs to sales taxes to crowd-funding, Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook walks writers through the process of setting up their self-publishing ventures.•Moving from Manuscript to Book. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook compares the options of engaging a self-publishing service company to doing-it-yourself using a print-on-demand provider. It lists which contract provisions are acceptable and which are not. It explains the mechanics of hiring designers, editors, and other freelancers.•Intellectual Property Issues. Copyrights, trademark, fair use, and public domain are explained in practical, useful terms, including how to find copyright holders and ask permission. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook provide tips on licensing images and music for little or no money. •Internet Regulations. Any writer with a blog needs to know about privacy policies, SPAM, COPPA, and DMCA. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook explains these regulations in easy-to-understand language.•Spotting Scams. Writers are e-blasted by businesses promoting overpriced services, if not outright frauds. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook shows writers how to spot aggressive sales techniques and scams. •The Scary Stuff. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook provides guidance on avoiding the dangers of defamation, invasion of privacy, and infringement. Writing and publishing a book is a significant investment. Writers should not be losing money (and sleep) by hiring the wrong self-publishing company or getting sued for copyright infringement. Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook will help writers safely navigate the legal minefield.University of Chicago Law School graduate and California attorney, Sedwick has represented small businesses and entrepreneurs for 30 years. Her historical novel Coyote Winds earned five-star reviews from ForeWord Reviews and Compulsion Reads and is an IndieBRAG Medallion Honoree.

    Buch Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook: The Step-by-Step Guide to the Legal Issues of Self-Publishing (English Edition) PDF ePub

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