Beschreibung The 7-Step Guide to Authorpreneurship (English Edition). You've written a book, now what?These 7 Steps are the guide to approaching your writing career like a business. Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, multi-published or aspiring to publication, independently published or contracted with a publishing house, you need The 7-Step Guide to Authorpreneurship. This how-to handbook will guide you through each phase of your writing career to create a business that generates regular income while allowing you to do what you love. Loaded with well-organized information, plus practical tips and strategies, this guide will become a trusted resource you consult again and again as your build your career. In a market flooded with advice for writers, there are very few books merging the concept of being an author and an entrepreneur. This guide is the first to truly take authors from concept to execution. The end result is a blending of the entrepreneurial spirit with writing talent to create a successful business achieving the personal and professional goals writers aim for. ˃˃˃ Endorsed by Best-Selling Authors“This book describes critical steps often overlooked in publishing primers. The need for planning and budgeting are two examples. In addition, it makes clear the important distinction between engaging your audience and simply promoting to them. I recommend this book for all authorpreneurs who are serious about creating a successful publishing venture.” Brian Jud, Author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books, and Executive Director of the Association of Publishers for Special Sales "Book publishing is a business but a unique type of business. Learn as much as possible by starting with this delightful read. Lots of inside detail from a successful author.” Dan Poynter, Author of The Self Publishing Manual"By the time you’ve closed the back cover, you will have gained the foundational knowledge necessary to begin your career as a successful author." K. M. Weiland, International Bestselling Author of Outlining Your Novel and Structuring Your Novel"As an author and owner of a literary services company, I'm often asked about resources I would recommend. The 7-Step Guide to Authorpreneurship by Rochelle Carter will be placed on the top of my reading list for authors. Carter expertly guides the author through the publishing process, developing a business plan, building a platform and so much more. This is a comprehensive guide on the business of writing that I believe all authors should have in their library." Tyora Moody, Author and Literary Entrepreneur "Those who follow these steps SUCCEED. It is truly a complete, big picture business plan for authors... I was blown away... I have never found a single book or resource that could provide a complete picture and plan... until now" Lori Anne Rising, International Bestselling Author˃˃˃ Endorsed by Industry Professionals"Very impressed by how clearly and thoroughly it walks the author through the process of publishing. Brilliant!" Beat Barblan, Director of Bowker Identifier Services"A great resource for both self-published and traditionally-published writers who are seeking a good overview to the publishing process, and want an easy-to-follow guide to publishing their book the right way. The book has simple yet effective strategies that will prove helpful for writers at all stages of their careers." Chip MacGregor, Founder & CEO, MacGregor Literary Inc."I wrote a book. Now what?’ I hear this question every time I meet with a group of writers. My answer is that it’s time to switch gears and start thinking like a small-business person. From now on, I will also refer them to The 7-Step Guide to Authorpreneurship because it is by far the most useful, straightforward guide to unlocking the mysteries of publishing and book marketing. Before you submit your writing or start down the road of self-publishing, read this book. And then read
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