Beschreibung Illusion of Separation: Exploring the Cause of our Current Crises (English Edition). Our modern patterns of thinking and learning are all based on observing a world of 'things', which we think of as separate building blocks. This worldview allows us to count and measure objects without their having any innate value; it provides neat definitions and a sense of control over life. However, this approach also sets humans apart from each other, and from nature.In reality, in nature, everything is connected in a fluid, dynamic way. 'Separateness' is an illusion we have created -- and is fast becoming a dangerous delusion infecting how we relate to business, politi, and other key areas of our daily reality.Giles Hutchins argues that the source of our current social, economic and environmental issues springs from the misguided way we see and construct our world. With its roots in ancient wisdom, this insightful book sets out an accesssible, easy to follow exploration of the causes of our current crises, offering ways to rectify these issues at source and then pointing to a way ahead.
Illusion of Separation: Exploring the Cause of our Current ~ Illusion of Separation: Exploring the Cause of our Current Crises (English Edition) eBook: Hutchins, Giles: : Kindle-Shop
The Illusion of Separation: Exploring the Cause of our ~ In The Illusion of Separation, Giles Hutchins first lays down a detailed foundation for critiquing the way that the “either/or” dualities and the abstractions of the rational thought system that started with Aristotle -- the map -- have separated humanity from Nature -- the territory. That separation is crystal clear today in the present reality and future threat of climate change. This book’s intellectual-inquiry “wild ride” then takes on the “So what is the alternative .
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